View Full Version : Amy has something new!

Laura's Babies
04-13-2005, 09:54 PM
As I have posted before, with Amy's CH, she sometimes falls into her food bowl, dumping it over and spilling it all on the floor. Normally, she is a nibbler but when she does this, she will eat it all up so it won't be everywhere... Such a clean and neat little girl (she didn't get that from me).

So Mike and I came up with a place that she can eat, that will catch her when her back legs gives out and she is going to tumble over and we had no trouble getting her to try it out (treats work wonders!). Once in there, I gave her, her supper and she stayed in there and ate. Her bowl is up off the floor about 5 inches so she won't have to lean forwards which makes her fall over. Once she realized she wasn't going to fall, she ate from the bowl, rather than her usual, getting a bite and dropping it on the floor away from her bowl to eat

I plan to carpet it but before we wasted the carpet, we wanted to be sure she would use it and it was high enough, wide enough ect... so any changes would be easier to do.

Here is the first trial and the unfinished version of her new "dinner table".

She was done then looked at us as if to say "Ok, how do I get out of here now?

04-13-2005, 09:59 PM
Laura, you are simply amazing!!! That is the coolest and sweetest thing ever! WOW! You should market those for special needs kitties!!! Get that thing patented!!!:eek: ;)

04-13-2005, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
Laura, you are simply amazing!!! That is the coolest and sweetest thing ever! WOW! You should market those for special needs kitties!!! Get that thing patented!!!:eek: ;)
I totally agree!!! You and Mike are so clever, get a patent on it.

I hope sweet Amy really enjoys her new dinner table.

Laura's Babies
04-13-2005, 10:15 PM
Awe, come on, it isn't that great.. It is just something to keep her from falling, she has always walked close to walls and furniture to hold herself up since the day I got her, I was just taking what she already does herself, a step further.. Before we get to excited, lets see if she will use it every mealtime.

What is they say about necessity being the mother of all inventions? Just trying to help out my baby and make her life easier for her!

04-14-2005, 07:47 AM
Getting a patent on it is a great idea!! Why let someone else steal your idea, even if you don't put it on the market??

04-14-2005, 08:13 AM
Laura - that is fabulous! I'm telling you - make a complete version, then set up a website to try and sell them! There are many others out there with similar problems that would love a feeding station like that.

04-14-2005, 08:46 AM
What a wonderful idea and great invention. I'm sure Amy sure does appreciate it.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-14-2005, 09:33 AM
Awwww.....that is sooo sweet of you! She is such a little sweetie pie and now she can eat without worry of falling over. Just makes me want to cry. :)

04-14-2005, 12:43 PM
That is a very clever invention! I'll bet Amy thinks it is wonderful to have her own little Diner.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-14-2005, 01:07 PM
Awwwwwww Amy, you have the best humans!!!
How sweet to make this for your cat!!

smokey the elder
04-14-2005, 02:43 PM
That is cool! I wonder if Diva would like something like that.

04-14-2005, 04:43 PM
amy told me to say thank you for a easy...simple and safe idea!! and she wondered, asking what color of carpet you're gonna use? :) (great job, laura! usually people are lazy! *thanks* for spending time on thinking, designing, sawing, hammering, sandpapering and her too!)

Laura's Babies
04-14-2005, 06:36 PM
Evening 2, I looked in the kitchen and what did I see? LOOK!

She figured out to back out rather than try to turn around.. I snapped as she was backing but those digital cameras hesitate and this is what I got.

04-14-2005, 06:38 PM
isn't that good?! :D :D she's a brillant girl!

04-14-2005, 06:41 PM
I can't see the pictures on my computer, but just from the description and the comments it sounds like it would be very worthwhile to get it patented. I'm sure there are LOTS of "special needs" kitties out there who would benefit greatly from it. :)

04-14-2005, 06:48 PM


04-14-2005, 07:36 PM
Oh Laura!!! This brought tears to my eyes!!! Amy is such a lucky girl. Not only is that a brilliant idea but it is the sweetest thing!!!
I swear Laura you and Mike need to go into business making things for special needs pets. Since I can't get to you in person I'm sending you both cyber {{{HUGS}}} for being so sweet and caring. Amazing!:)