View Full Version : Just a question really!!

04-13-2005, 07:52 PM
Hi im a trainee groomer and ive been told i have to use my natural hand to scissor with and im finding it hard at the moment as i was taught to scissor with my right hand at school! :rolleyes:

Anyway i was wondering if anyone would know where i could buy the scissor ring grips its likes a ring that you put inside the sissor hole ( tell me if im not being clear about it! i dont know the proper name for them sorry) but if there any groomers or anyone that would know i will be grateful for any help!

I also live in uk thnx for any help :)

04-14-2005, 09:55 AM
Go to www.dogsoutfitter.com. They specialize in dog grooming things and I'm sure they can ship to you if you have a credit card.

04-14-2005, 10:00 AM
Go to your friendly pharmacy/drug store, where they have aids for seniors, they should have all kinds of grips, rings loops anything to make life easier. I have seen the rings your talking about. They go inside the eye of the scissors and make it softer to use.