View Full Version : scanning photos - HELP! :)

finn's mom
04-13-2005, 06:55 PM
Hey, everyone. I'm very new to scanning photos online and then posting them in here or emailing them through yahoo. So, any help or advice y'all can give would be appreciated. I'm going to try to post some pictures of Finn, so, bear with me. I think the most recent photos of him have been from when he was about six months old. He's almost sixteen months old! :)

04-13-2005, 09:51 PM
Not really sure how to help you with your scanner . . . you just scan them and then save them onto your computer . . .

Then you'll want to open an account with Imagestation or Photobucket . . . upload your pics to their site . . .

Then when your pics are on there, you can right click the picture, click properties, and copy the URL address (ctrl+C) . . .

Then in your new message, you'll click the IMG button (up under the Bold & stuff) . . . and paste it into that box (ctrl+V) . . .

Easy enough, right?

;) Good luck.

Laura's Babies
04-14-2005, 08:09 AM

This is where Phred explaines how to post pictures on PT...

Is it the actual scanning pictures that you need help with? If so.. This is how it works on my computer.. I have a HP with XP and a HP scanner...

">" means click on...

Go to MY COMPUTER > to open

See if it shows up in there, if it does > on it.

The scanner wizzard window opens > next

>preview (and wait for it to scan the prieview.) When done it will show you the picture and it will be incased in some lines ------- all around the picture. These lines are moveable and you can move them to crop the picture and just scan the area you want to save.

> next
a screen will open and you name the picture
>next then wait for it to scan again.
> finished

If this don't help, post back.

finn's mom
04-14-2005, 08:44 AM
I just had forgotten how to upload! duh! I figured it all out last night, it's just been so long since I used photobucket or anything. I haven't had a digital camera or a scanner in awhile. But, now that I'm staying with my parents, I have access to both again. ;) I posted way too many pictures in dog general last night. :)

Laura's Babies
04-14-2005, 08:52 AM
Well, GREAT! I find that doing things on computers, it is easy to forget how if it is something you don't do a every day..

I am sure everyone in dog general are enjoying your pictures and are happy you are posting them. I don't think there is ever TO many pictures here on PT!!!