View Full Version : When your children make your day....

04-13-2005, 05:38 PM
Yesterday I was having a particularly bad pain day, and it has been an awful two weeks lately, feeling unwell, so this was like the straw that broke the camels back type of day.

I was saying, how my life sucked so much, and how fed up I was of having these problems, (yep feeling sorry for myself) when my daughter Melissa chips in saying" well Mum it isn't that bad because you have ME," that really brought a smile to my face, and I said in return "yes I am very lucky to have two great kids, furbabies and a hubby," it did help put things into perspective and made me feel better, now i know why I had those two rascals of mine. lol.

Then to top it off my son said something really nice too, we were discussing winning lotto, dreaming yet again, and he said Mum I don't know why you don't get good things coming back to you, because you are a nice person and always doing good things for others, I could not believe my ears, this coming from my boy,and he was not even joking, I felt so good to think he thought that way about me and he had never expressed it before.

It just goes to show how a simple gesture, kind word, can really lift one's spirits and help one get through the day, try to remember to do that at least now and then to those you love.

Sorry if it sounds like I am blowing my own trumpet here, but I really wanted to share this, so we can all keep in mind to do something nice for someone today, you never know how important that just might be.

04-13-2005, 05:57 PM
It doesn't necessarily have to come from children....or even in purrson....

I received an email some time ago from a friend who said "you bring your own brand of sunshine to my day...."

That's all it took to make my day.

04-13-2005, 06:03 PM
Absolutely Slick, it can come in the mail,email, by phone, it maybe a special look someone gives you, or the way your furkids look up at you or react to you, it might be something someone says to you at the supermarket, whatever, a little gesture can go a long way.

My real point of this thread is to make everyone just think a little and see how you can maybe make someones day, whether it be opening a door for someone, letting someone in before you in the queue, giving them a compliment, telling them how well they did their job,a simple smile or hello, you just never know how much your simple act of kindness can mean to someone.


04-13-2005, 07:10 PM
Awww... blow your trumpet! It made me feel good to hear it! :)

04-13-2005, 07:48 PM
That is wonderful, Carole!! I don't think anything is more uplifting than hearing something like that from your kids!!:D Sorry you have been feeling bad but happy that it brought about nice words from your kids!! Please keep feeling better!

04-13-2005, 09:18 PM

Out of the mouths of babes!! Sometimes our kids really piss us off and other times they just totally amaze us!! Ya gotta love 'em!!

04-13-2005, 09:24 PM
Carole that is just beautiful! Sorry you have been in such pain, but blessed by what you have shared!;)

04-14-2005, 01:48 AM
Actually Carole, I would have expected no less from kids that have you for a mum.:)

Laura's Babies
04-14-2005, 08:17 AM
I would have asked them if they would put that in writting! :D Then whenever I felt "down" I would look at it to be cheered up!
That had to have kept you walking on air for months!

04-14-2005, 05:21 PM
Thanks guys for the lovely comments, the funny ones too, yep I should have done one better, got it on tape,it is suprising just how uplifting it was for me, glad to report I am feeling much better now, thank you for your concern.

Donna you took the words right out of my mouth, lol.:)

Oggyflute, what a nice thing to say:o you just made my day mate.

One just needs to remember to stop by PT when one feels miserable, and you can guarantee someone will either uplift your spirits, make you laugh, or make you feel good, great therapy, I highly recommend it folks.:D :cool: