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12-30-2000, 12:56 PM
Does anyone have a funny story about their pet? I am in the mood to hear a funny story! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

Daisy's Mom
12-30-2000, 08:20 PM
Only one? LOL Daisy has had so many! That whole can thing was awful at the time but at least now we can laugh at it. Also... this is not funny anymore, but the first time it was... Daisy knocked over the trash one time after we had cleaned out the refrigerator and we came home to see her at the door with a chip bag on her hind legs! After walking through the door.... look what we found!!!!


LOL she really loved that big gross cucumber... look closely, you can see rotten salad, and other goodies http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif For some reason we found this hysterical and took pictures... she still does this however and it is not very funny anymore http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Hmm what other funny stories... I think I have shared them all with you! When she sang like Charlotte Church was quite comical. Everything she does is funny to us though http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

12-30-2000, 09:13 PM
Well, Daisy, you take the cake! I got a good laugh out of your pictures. I have found Honey with many things in her mouth, but never the trash, thank goodness! I think you should be Dog of the Day for that! Send in those pictures, Mom. You could send one "good girl" picture and one "bad girl" picture. People would love it!

Daisy's Mom
12-30-2000, 11:22 PM
Oh well Daisy already was Dog of the Day!!!! Look, December 7th, 1998! She was just a baby!!! And SO beautiful. We were so proud http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Go look, it's the cutest picture ever!!!! That's my loving hands holding her http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif She was so little... oh how she's grown!!! She went from that.... to.... http://PetoftheDay.com/online/sleepy.jpg

A lot bigger but still BEAUTIFUL!!!!

[This message has been edited by Daisy's Mom (edited December 31, 2000).]

12-31-2000, 02:36 AM
Jeffrey and Bandit were wrestling and playing as usual. They had their blankie, tugging it back and forth. Then Bandit sat on the blanket and Jeffrey started pulling him across the room. That was so funny http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif They kept it up for quite a while. Jeffrey pulling and Bandit just going along for a ride http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

Daisy's Mom, Your pictures are hilarious! I can relate as the trash is Jeffrey's favorite treat. I took a pet personality test a couple of years ago. It paired you with a pet to fit your personality. I'm a pretty laid-back, mellow person and the test picked a Basset Hound as my match. I have my two boys now and it's not the right time for another dog, but when I'm ready, my next will definitly be a Basset!

12-31-2000, 10:49 AM
Those Daisy pictures are priceless. Somehow it never dawned on me to grab the camera at times like that, maybe because I was ranting and raving instead (crazy lady mode)!
The pictures sure are funny and I wish I had some like it. Certainly we had enough opportunites to take them!!! Oh, I think I'll take back the part about wishing I had some like that because you know who would be more than happy to oblige me.

12-31-2000, 09:59 PM
We came hom one day and found that one of the 3 dogs had gotten in to a box of cereal. well we were trying to figure out who did it when we looked at Hercules. on his chest was cereal stuck all under his neck it was so funny because he was looking at me like
"what? I didn't do it"

01-02-2001, 04:40 AM
Fantastic pictures, made me smile on my first dreary day back at work, and remember my ex-boyfriends dog, german sheperd/labrador cross, was the same. We couldn't leave the house for ten minutes without him destroying the furniture or emptying the bin for us. He used to drag the rubbish around the whole house! We tried putting saucepans on top of the bin so it made a noise when touched, it didn't bother him. In the end we put the rubbish bin outside everytime we went out. Then he took to climbing on the worktops and ate everything, cupasoups, cereal, packet casserole mixes etc. One time he ate my boyfriends build up energy drink, he was hyper all day!

01-02-2001, 05:11 PM
LOL!! Daisy is so cute! I love all your stories! They are so funny! LOL!

karen israel
01-04-2001, 07:20 AM
LOL!!! Adorable, hysterical photos!!! LOVED THEM!!! I tell my vet that Cody has a paper deficency in his diet..Man! What that boy won't do for tissue (preferably used) paper towels (same) Been thru 3 diff kinds of trash cans in the kitchen and he has learned how to open every lid! The swing part of the lid sometimes gets caught around his neck and he stands there looking at me "help! help!-so I take it off and he dives right back into the trash. A napkin left on the table is also fair game! The best part is that he knows EXACTLY what he is doing while giving me that wide eyed innocent look with paper dangling from his mouth!

01-06-2001, 09:29 PM
Well, you guys have made my day, AGAIN!!! Daisy is just so gorgeous. Those pictures of her and the trash are just too precious! I know it's not funny, but she really looks like she's having a good time there. We used to have to crate our oldest dog because she'd do the trash thing and at age 10 years and above, you'd think she'd be past that, but no, it wasn't so. She did it at odd times, too. Never knew when it would happen.

Daisy's Mom
01-06-2001, 10:11 PM
Thanks everyone! Daisy is walking with her cute lil' nose in the air with all those compliments! She knocked over the trash yesterday and waited for me to take a picture! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif She doesn't get that it's not funny anymore http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

01-08-2001, 03:54 PM
OMG, those pictures are priceless!! Are you sure my Star wasn't at your house for a visit?? This is a REGULAR sight at my house! Star wanted me to tell Daisy that she gives her a "two big paws up" for that one! What a doll Daisy is....!!!! How can you not laugh!!

01-08-2001, 04:12 PM
I checked out Daisy's Dog of the Day picture. If she wasn't the littlest bundle of joy, I don't know who was!

01-08-2001, 05:34 PM
wow has daisy changed she was so dark. anyway she was soooo cute. love those ears

01-08-2001, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Daisy's Mom:
Thanks everyone! Daisy is walking with her cute lil' nose in the air with all those compliments! She knocked over the trash yesterday and waited for me to take a picture! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif She doesn't get that it's not funny anymore http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Hi Daisy's Mom, I am also a Daisy's Mom.
Your Daisy is a sweetie, what wonderful Photos. My Miss Daisy is a black Schnauzer
and loves peanut butter cookies.

02-04-2001, 04:55 PM
I just remembered this funny story. When Hercules was a puupy I think about 5 -6 months old he got into a tube of superglue. when we came home we noticed the tube of glue on the floor full of teeth marks. Since Herc was a pup we knew it must of been him. So when we turned to repremand him all we could do was laugh because his mouth was super glued shut. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif It was a painful ordeal to get his mouth open again. but he was fine and NEVER did it again

02-24-2001, 09:32 PM
We have 2 boxers, Kira and Duke. When we go out to swim, the dogs just have to go along. We have tried to get them into the pool, but they will have nothing to do with that. Kira gets really excited when someone is standing on the pool deck, and barks at them..she wants them to jump in and splash her. If the kids don't do it enough..she starts yelping at them as if to say "come one..hurry up.." She is somewhat content if you just splash with your hands, but she really likes if they jump in. Duke, on the other hand, wants nothing to do with the splashing business. He just likes to lick the pool water off of you.

02-26-2001, 08:56 AM
If you want to read some funny stories, you should check out this website. Warning: This website might become addictive. You could be at your computer for hours. http://www.baddogs.com/bdc/Newest.cfm?StartRow=11

03-08-2001, 12:15 PM
My Dachshund Micha stole my husbands jumper while we we're out for the evening. We came home to find her in the sleeve, unable to move or get out. She was so releived to see us come home, but we could'nt stop laughing she looked so funny. I only wish I had taken some snaps for you too see.

03-08-2001, 01:00 PM
Rachelle, That is the funniest story I have heard, I can just picture Micha in that sleeve. Photos would have been one in a million.
Jackie http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif