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04-12-2005, 08:06 PM
Well, Collin and I may be moving again...he was offered a job in York Pennsylvania, working for the same company. It's a slightly different job than the one he is doing now but he would be working with one of the officers of the company that he really looks up to.
It's not definite yet but 99%. I knew we would have to move again for his job but I just didn't know it would be so soon...he has been in New Jersey since July of last year but Duncan and I have only been here since December.
I'm not really too fond of where we live now and from what I understand, York is a city of about 50,000 and more "country-like" so I would probably like it there better. It's about 1 hour farther away from Syracuse (5 hours) than here which is not cool but I guess it's not a big deal.
The only other thing I know about York is that the Harley-Davidson factory is there :D

Is anyone else familiar with the area and can share some info with me? I've been looking on the internet when I get a chance which is not much lately, I can't seem to tear myself away from Pet Talk!;)

04-12-2005, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by jennifert9
... I've been looking on the internet when I get a chance which is not much lately, I can't seem to tear myself away from Pet Talk!;)

I hate when that happens! ;)

I have never been to York, but grew up south of Pittsburgh. I know that it is more "country" there, so hopefully that is a good thing for you. Best of luck with the job change and move. It will be like another "adventure"! :D

04-13-2005, 05:36 AM
Awww no fair! I want to move back to PA sooo bad!!

04-13-2005, 08:09 AM
York is about an hour form me! My daughter plays soccer for a team in York, and they go to and from York 3 or 4 days a week. Its a nice area, with a big interstate running through one section, but its VERY nice. I got off the interstate the wrong section once and found myself in a CHARMING neighborhood. It was a nice day so I just drove around, and liked what I saw.

I can ask him for more info when he gets home from work. A few of my daughters friends live out there - one on a farm!

04-13-2005, 08:39 AM
oooooh I suddenly feel extremely sick :(:(:(:(

My exfiance lives in York.....

04-14-2005, 12:30 PM
Well, it's official. Collin got the word yesterday. He has to be in York on May 9th. They will put him up in a hotel for 2 or 3 months and I will stay here in our apartment until our 60 day notice to the landlord is up. His company will buy out the rest of the lease, pay for the move and give us money for a security deposit.
I'm excited but also sad. I have met some really nice people here in Jersey and was looking forward to a summer of Central Park and Yankee games! But York looks like an absolutely beautiful place to live. It's really close to Baltimore, MD which I LOVE, near Harrisburg, Lancaster, Hershey, Gettysburg...lots of great places to visit. I think finding a new job will be a little more difficult than it was here but luckily Collin's salary will be staying the same and will be quite high for the York area. That will be helpful until I can find gainful employment!! ;)
I'm sorry LKPike to upset you! If you want, I can accidentally run into your ex-boyfriend in a dark alley with Duncan! ;) :D
And Catnapper...expect a visit or two....or three! W/O Duncan of course!
Should be a fun summer! Wish me luck!:)

04-14-2005, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by jennifert9
I'm sorry LKPike to upset you! If you want, I can accidentally run into your ex-boyfriend in a dark alley with Duncan! ;) :D
Wish me luck!:)

LOL Only if your armed with a camera!!! ;) Its ok though, hes the yesterday after the 3rd yesterday of yesterday's news! :p

GOOD LUCK!!! Yorks truely a nice place to live :):):)

04-14-2005, 02:32 PM
Oooo... come on over! We have a small outlet mall next to us (nothing compared to the outlets in Lancaster) but the JC Penney outlet is AWESOME for buying home stuff.

I still have to ask hubby info on York - I can have him ask the other parents what township is better, etc. I know some areas there are "iffy" if ya know what I mean.

04-14-2005, 02:40 PM
That would be great if you could find out some info for us Catnapper! We really didn't know where to live when we moved here to Jersey and we don't like our town at all. But we just didn't know, you know!;)
I'm going to do as much research as I can for the next move! :D

04-14-2005, 02:57 PM
Well welcome to PA! I live a bit further north than York but I did attend Penn State at the York campus back in 1986/7. It was a nice little town. I lived at that time in Carlisle which is about 45 minutes away.

Do you like Renaissance faires? They have a really awesome one in Lebanon which isn't too far from York. Here is the website for that.. http://www.parenaissancefaire.com/

The factory for Pfaltzgraff stoneware is in York also. Gettysburg is wonderful to visit. Even my Canadian husband loved it. He wants to go back in the fall sometime for the haunted walking tours.


04-14-2005, 03:13 PM
Oh I forgot about the Ren. Faire! We go every year! what a hoot -- and your hubby will appreciate the... um... costumes ;)

Gettysburg is WONDERFUL we go whenever we can, and almost moved there. The people are so nice, and the area is gorgeous. One thing I hate about Reading is nobody is nice. They just stare you down and are just rude.

04-14-2005, 03:19 PM
I have an uncle in the Reading area....and I think he is running for district judge? We got something in the mail from him collecting money for his campaign I think....we aren't real close.

My other uncle that I AM close to lives in Port Carbon.

Maybe this year we could all meet at the Ren faire one weekend. We really like the Scottish or Irish themes..


04-14-2005, 03:21 PM
Collin is INSANE about anything Irish!! Obviously, with a name like Collin! :p Say Irish and we're there!

04-14-2005, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by shutterbug0303
I hate when that happens! ;)

I have never been to York, but grew up south of Pittsburgh. I know that it is more "country" there, so hopefully that is a good thing for you. Best of luck with the job change and move. It will be like another "adventure"! :D Shutterbug0303, what town south of Pittsburgh?

04-14-2005, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
(nothing compared to the outlets in Lancaster) Penney

Oooh love that outlet!! I haven't been there since my freshman year of college!