View Full Version : Ate an apple core!

01-15-2002, 07:10 PM
I sware, Josie must be either a) desperate or b)stupid! She got this apple core, and she ate it. The whole thing, including the steam! She's got some major carnivore issues going on here... :o

01-15-2002, 07:28 PM
I know it's not necessarily good for them...something about chemicals in the seeds I think, but Hannah has done this as well.
She loves apples to much. If I inadvertantly leave one where she can get to it, she will devour the whole thing as well.

01-16-2002, 09:34 AM
I'm starting to think Kia is part goat. She eats anything and everything if it's in reach.

I keep taking her to the vet, freaked out and she gets a clean bill of health and is okay. It's amazing.

She has eaten: kleenex, toilet paper, newspaper, sanitary products, cat food, gum off the sidewalk, more chocolate than I care to admit, a platter full of shaved ham.... ect...ect....

One day she's going to give me a heartattack... :eek:


Dixieland Dancer
01-16-2002, 09:56 AM
One of Dixie's favorite treats is an apple. If I eat one, I have to leave her some meaty part and the core! She eats all of it and has never had a problem. I didn't know that the seeds had some kind of chemical that caused problems???? I think she just passes them. She's been doing this since she was a puppy!

Here other favorite treat is CARROTS!!! Maybe she's part bunny??? LOL

C.C.'s Mom
01-16-2002, 10:05 AM
Dixieland Dancer, that's just what Cookie likes to eat too! Apple and carrot. I don't know why, but she goes nuts if she doesn't get anything.

01-16-2002, 10:11 AM
Wow lol. My dad gave it to her after I had finished it. He said theres nothing in it to really hurt her, and she probably wouldn't eat it. But, of course he was wrong. Josie will eat anything, except beans and celary. I gave her a small plate of leftover meat once, and there was two beans in it, mixed into the meat. She licked the plate completly dry, including the beans!! But didn't put a single bite into it. I gave her a small peice of celary the other day, and she spate it out and my other dog ate it.

It was kind of funny watching her eat the apple though. She kept it in her out for atleast 10 minutes without chewing or anything, just looking at me. When she finally decided to eat it, she just chopped it off at the end, and ate it in about 3 bites.

01-16-2002, 10:14 AM
Sorry, I seem to be having difficulty spelling and typing today.

She kept it in her out for atleast 10 minutes without chewing or anything, just looking at me.
What I MENT was, "She kept it in her mouth" someday, i'm telling you, I'll learn to type properly! :rolleyes:

01-16-2002, 12:07 PM
Kobie and Eli both love fruits and veggies--apples are one of their all-time favorites, including the cores! There was a time when I'd have freaked out about their eating the cores, but I actually have met a person (i.e. human being) who eats the apple cores! He eats the WHOLE apple! :eek: I figure if he can do that without ill effects, the dogs are okay with it--just getting a little extra roughage!

01-16-2002, 12:34 PM
Apple seeds contain "prunasin" which is a cyanogenic glycoside - a chemical that releases cyanide when it is digested. I believe the quantity is extremely small, so humans would need to eat a lot. Obviously since dogs eat the core and survive the amount is even small enough for some dogs.

Chocolate is also supposed to be toxic but my dog has eaten a lot of that at times (obviously not with my permission, during her adolescence) and survived thru it only wanting more.

Anyone know of any cases where either has caused a real problem?

01-16-2002, 12:42 PM
I never really heard of a "case" but, I've seen lots of info about chocolate giving dogs heart attacks or something. I guess just in large amounts. I don't think I'd take the chance to see what happens though..

C.C.'s Mom
01-17-2002, 03:43 AM
I've heard about chocolate too, and since Cookie goes after her mom, the addiction to it is there as well :) So, we got her some dog chocolates that are harmless and are a good treat for learning to come when I call her out of the garden.
What I did for her 6 months birthday, was baking some Cookie Muffins with carrob. She and the party guests loved it.

There is also something about onions, or am I wrong here?

01-17-2002, 04:31 AM
Bella and my hubby share an apple every morning (but not the seeds! :D ) He used to skip breakfast but then decided that an apple for breakfast was better than not eating and has been having an apple for breakfast for years now. I slice them up (skins on) and they share. :) If she is upstairs with me and he goes down to eat she bounds down the steps for her apple. When I have cereal she sits at my side on the floor waiting for me to share my banana too! :)

01-19-2002, 09:20 PM
I had a friend (well have, I don't see him anymore) who's dog died 'cause of chocolate, i don't know if it was a heart attack but he told me he was young about 4 years old and that he didn't know that it was harmful to the dog. I think it was too much choresterol or how you spell it for the dog. Do dogs have choresterol at all?
My dog, is a bit, I-want-what-you-have-instead-of-that-gross-rounds-things-you-make-me-eat. When it's morning and i'm eating my yoghurt and cereal, she sits in front of me and watches all my spoonfuls get into my mouth, sometimes she put her paws in front of my chair and makes a desperate look like if she hasn't been fed in years, the other day she even cried 'cause I didn't give any to her!.
The other thing my dog does, that whenever i'm fixing something for myself to eat she sits in front of me thinking that everything I make is for her. She is just a little I-want-all-the-food-in-the-world puppy!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes: