View Full Version : What???? Unbelievable!

04-12-2005, 04:33 PM

04-12-2005, 05:41 PM
Pretty disgusting, I say. I heard somewhere that there were a couple of other states where this law passed.:(

In Madison, about 1,200 people attended the Monday evening meeting at the Alliant Center -- more than the 250 or so in a typical year, but less than the 3,000 or so who took part in a debate in 2000 over whether to allow hunters to shoot mourning doves.

OMD, shoot mourning doves? :mad: :eek:

Laura's Babies
04-12-2005, 07:00 PM
If some dude with a gun shoots a defenseless cat, that makes him more a MAN??:eek:

04-12-2005, 07:53 PM
I am ashamed sometimes,to live,where there is so little respect,for the Small,and Defenceless.I think,that Our Lord,will have something,to say,about this ilk,who think,that going to a Church,once in a while,excuese cruelty,and meaness,the rest,of the week.Cowards!Thats what I call someone,who attacks,something,that is smaller! Cowards!


Sport! Animals,only hunt when they are hungry,to survive! BAH,Cowards! Shooting doves,and throwing away,the Little Bodies! COWARDS!

04-12-2005, 08:40 PM
I posted a thread in the BEHAVIOR Forum about this.

I saw the video on MSN with Katie COuric today on MSN. To say I am angry and disgusted is an understatement. I also sent her an e mail becasue of her trite comments stating that the fur is flying in Wisconsin.. and smiling.. like this was a Joke!

Cats may be the target of every anal retentive moron with a gun who wants to use a defenseless cat as target practice!
I have a news paper article from a dear friend that LIVES in Wisconsin and apparently it has been a law in MN and SD for DECADES!
DECADES of killing cats.. what's next.. killing homeless people? They live on the street.. sleep in boxes and scrounge for food!

Sweet lord have mercy!

Deb Mommacat

05-01-2005, 08:22 AM
I was just browsing this forum and i couldnt believe what i was reading:eek: This is really uncalled for what are these people nuts???No seriously have people really lost it out that way?Thats just crewl i cant believe such behavior.I consider my kitty like a child and god forbid someone try to hurt my boy.(Although my kitty is a strictly indoors cat) There is no differane then taking a shot gun and going around killing pregant woman to help with population.I now that might sound crazy but man this is a crazy situation!! Who passed this bill maybe this person needs to be gunned down when they stray from home :mad: POINT NO DIFFERANCE A LIFE IS A LIFE and noone got the right to take it away!! Im in tears here just thinking of poor defenceless kittys be attacked :( What is this world comming to???? :confused: