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04-12-2005, 03:56 PM
Once upon a time, a lady decided to get rid of her boring grey & green sponge painted bedroom walls....

She was happily painting the bedroom today when her hubby came home from a long day's work... Nicki (their loving pup) went running to greet daddy - brushing up againt the freshly painted bedroom door and leaving a streak of dog fur in the wet paint. When the poor pup returns, she steps IN the paint pan, which spooks her and she flies across the room leaving RED paw prints on the carpet. The spooked doggy jumps onto the bed, leaving red paw prints all over BRAND NEW sheets (well, two weeks old ;) ) Nicki then stood there frozen on the sheets when told to get off the bed. The mommy felt AWFUL - she didn't mean to scare Nicki more! :( :(

but they still ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after in a room with red doors, and coordinating red paw prints on the carpet and sheets.

The end.

At any rate, all Nicki's decorating changes are now fixed (thabnks ot stain removers and elbow grease! :D), and I am back to happily painting the room. I never expected I would do such a bright color combo, but I'm really liking it -- yellow walls, white trim, and brick red accents (doors, possibly paint a shelf and bookcase the red too) And no, It doesn't look like McDonalds :D

04-12-2005, 04:17 PM
Where are the pics? Poor Nicki. I can just see that sad face. Glad you got all the stains removed. I think I would have left the dog hair on the wall. That's just silly, sentimental me, though.

04-12-2005, 04:25 PM
Wouldn't our lives be so boring without our furkids? :D

04-12-2005, 04:52 PM
Actually there are still some hairs on the door that I didn't even try to remove - you're right, I kept it for sentimental reasons. I never removed any of the fur that accidentally got sewn into my needleworks for the same reasn. I love that girl.

I didn;t take any photos - the paint is drying FAST today (warm, no humidity) so I wanted to get it cleaned up before I had permanent red footprints. Oh well.. they'd match the rest of the carpet - the burn marks from me dropping a hot iron several times. The stain form me dropping a bottle of India Ink. Whats red paw prints?

Cinder & Smoke
04-12-2005, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by catnapper

... leaving a streak of dog fur in the wet paint.

First Shepherd Casey "HELPED" build the Ranch Howze :rolleyes:

She loved "helping" the Carpenters move lumber ~
FAVORITE Stunt: Hide behind the BIG Guy and *watch* while he
cut a board to length - the cut-off piece (the part he WANTED to use)
would fall to the floor ... but NOT if Casey was On the Job!
She'd <LEAP> the instant the cut was finished and the piece just
began to fall ~ <*CHOMP*> ~
and Away she'd go - the prized piece in her mouth!

And when PAINTING started - :rolleyes:
Casey wore a "Coat of Many Colors" for a few months.
EVERY room in the Ranch has Tail Hairs imbeded in the paint
from her Tail <THWACKS> :mad:
Not to mention the occasional "Accent Mark" applied to the
"finished" rooms when she "Tailed" the wet paint
and then walked into a dry room!

I always say it "Adds Character" to the place.


Laura's Babies
04-12-2005, 08:08 PM
Sounds like a real fun day! Painting... Nicki just wanted to help Mommie!

04-12-2005, 09:51 PM
lol! When we painted our living room/dining room .... The three girls (no Skye at the time) were constantly crashing into it...not only do we have furs in the wall, we had some red and brown dogs until we could get them baths and "scrape" the dried paint from their fur!! hehe Sahara's whole tail was a different color!!!

04-13-2005, 01:33 AM
Gee, I don't know mate, the paw prints could have left a new dimension to the look you are after.:D

04-13-2005, 05:17 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Killearn Kitties
04-13-2005, 07:08 AM
People pay good money for a paw print design! It's very popular you know.

Not so sure about Casey's tail-shaped "accent marks". :D

04-13-2005, 07:34 AM
YIKES!!! I usually try to close off furry friends when I'm painting... not as brave as you!!!:rolleyes: :D

04-13-2005, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
YIKES!!! I usually try to close off furry friends when I'm painting... not as brave as you!!!:rolleyes: :D
I don't know whether it was bravery or stupidity... I let the monsters in because thats where they wanted to be! :D Can you say "spoiled monsters"?

The cats were VERY good about it. They knew to stay away from the paint. Pouncer would sit at the bedroom door and wait for me to finish painting a section, before politely nudging towards the door for me to open it. Normally he'll just open it himself. Then when he wanted back in, I heard a tap-tap-tap on the other side -- smart boy was knocking on the door instead of pushing it open himself! :eek:

Nicki, aka Miss Lazy sat on the bed the WHOLE day. Even when the neighbor brought their dogs out (and she loooves those dogs) she sat in bed and barked at them instead of running to the balcony to greet them like normal. :rolleyes: The ONLY time she got out of bed was the greet her daddy. She LOVES her daddy.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-13-2005, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by Killearn Kitties
People pay good money for a paw print design! It's very popular you know.
