View Full Version : Hello and goobye for a little while.

04-12-2005, 08:46 AM
Hi all

Just thought I would post before I go away for a couple of weeks.

Its been 11 days now since we lost our Sooty. It's been hard and sad, not seeing her in her normal sleeping places. I miss her sooooo much, especially at night time, as she used to get in the bed and curl up by my stomach. I never used to go to sleep until she was settled. We buried Sooty in our garden and we have bought a bird bath to mark her resting place. As I already mentioned in another post, she loved to watch the birds and 'quack' at them from the window. The bird bath we found has two ducks on in it, the minute we saw it me and my partner knew it was appropriate. So we have it in place now, and can see it from every window in the back of our house, so Sooty is always with us.

We have begun a new bed time routine. Twinkle has her 'Billy Bear' bed that she likes to suckle on. So, we put that on the bed and she keeps us company now. She is a little terror, we woke the other morning and found the washing up scourer at the bottom of the bed, she had been picking at the sponge part and leaving all the bits on the bed LOL. Bugs usually does her own thing at night she likes to sleep on the chair in the lounge.

We also have a new toy, that they both seem to enjoy. It's a bubble gun, they love to watch the bubbles and try to catch them LOL.

Anyway, I am off on holiday tomorrow, we are going to Fuerteventura for 2 weeks. We booked this holiday last year, but we were not going to go on it, if Sooty was still with us. As things have turned out I think it will do us good to get away for a couple of weeks. So, we have booked the pet sitter and my family will be looking in on the girls too. I just wanted to say thankyou all for your kind words about Sooty, they really did help.

I will be back posting in a couple of weeks and will try and get some up to date pictures of Bugs and Twinkle.

Catch you all soon.

Nicki x

04-12-2005, 09:03 AM
The Found Cats all hope that You have a Wonderful Time,and that you dine at a lot,of fine Restaurants! And we find,that if you invite,Sooty,to dine,with you,it will help you,as you will feel,that Sooty,is still with you,in spirit.And then,all,the Cat Angels can share,in thier Friends Good Fortune,as the Found cat Angels,always share with thier Pet Angel Friends,when I dine out,and make sure,to invite thenall.to join me!

04-12-2005, 09:08 AM
Sooty was a very special baby. I love your memorial for her. I too hope that you have a peacful holiday. I hope that your holiday brings some peace to you and your partner.

04-12-2005, 09:17 AM
Sooty will be missed, but, not forgotten. What a lovely tribute to a much loved kitty.

Enjoy your vacation, and post upon your return.

K & L
04-12-2005, 09:30 AM
I sure can relate to your pain and loss. It's not easy is it? Hope to see you back soon.

04-12-2005, 10:12 AM
I hope your holiday getaway is restful and happy!!!

The birdbath for Sooty's memorial sounds lovely:) Will you post pictures of it when you return?

Have a wonderful vacation!!! (((HUGS)))

04-12-2005, 10:59 AM
Enjoy your vacation ..... I know you will always miss dear Sooty, and your memorial sounds wonderful!:)

Laura's Babies
04-12-2005, 12:00 PM
Enjoy you vacation and I hope you get back before I have to leave!

04-12-2005, 12:47 PM

I hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday! You sure can use the time off.

