View Full Version : K&L's PT Tour - Chapter 3; Visiting Sirrahbed (*8 pix*)

K & L
04-12-2005, 12:43 AM
To review the previous chapters:

K&L's PT Tour - Chapter 1; Visiting CatCrazyLady (*12 pix*) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=76043)

K&L's PT Tour - Chapter 2; Visiting Jen and Catnapper (*12 pix*) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=76285)


K&L's PT Tour - Chapter 3; Visiting Sirrahbed

We were re-energized after our visit and feeding with Jen, Charlie and Kim. Lucky that, since we had to drive a few more hours before stopping for the night, and it was already after 8:00pm. As it had all day earlier, the rains still fell plentifully. Never-the-less, into our 'ark' we climbed. We re-loaded the girls DVD players and set out westward for somewhere in central Pennsylvania. (Everyone out west always complains about how long it takes to drive across Texas on Interstate 10. Well, Pennsylvania may not be THAT long, but damn...)

After spending the night in Carlisle - quite a pleasant small town in mid-Pennsylvania - we arose early, breakfasted, squeezed the ever-growing luggage in the vehicle, and assumed our normal spots in the SUV. This was to be our last day on the road, but before arriving in Lexington, we looked forward to two more PTer visits, though we had about 8 hours driving before reaching the first.

As we started down the Penn. Turnpike, the weather was somewhat more pleasant than the previous day. It was overcast but not raining. Within three hours, however, we would have welcomed rain. Instead, we found ourselves in a pretty impressive snow storm!



Remember; we're from Phoenix - in the Arizona desert. The girls had seen snow before but never actually been in a snow storm. It was a pleasant surprise for them.


Traffic moved well through the storm. At least until we came upon a truck that had jack-knifed across most of the turnpike lanes. We lost some time there, but still enjoyed the natural beauty of the early spring snows.

250 miles later, by the time we drove through Columbus, Ohio, there were no clouds in the sky and the temperature was in the upper 50's (f). What a contrast in weather!

Later than anticipated, about 5:00pm, we pulled up in front of Sirrahbed's suburban home near Dayton. Deb and Dennis met us at the door and we immediately felt welcome; as if old friends.


They had graciously set out snack treats for us - the girls didn't have to be offered twice before they dove right in.

Their home was so comfortable. Deb and Dennis showed us all around pointing out (so many of) the beautiful decorations Deb had created and furniture that Dennis built. I think there was a 'cat hammock' in just about every window. And their screened patio was a dream for the cats - especially as winter warms into spring.


The girls, after their obligatory snacks, set out in search of new cats with which to play. Our hosts and their felines were most trusting. In short order, most of the girls had coaxed a cat, or two, out to play. Haley even tempted the normally shy Elliot (I think was his name) with kitty treats. Here are Dennis and Aubrey in action.


This guy (whose name eludes me - too many cats this trip to remember) is gorgeous and very friendly.


We so enjoyed our too-brief visit with Deb and Dennis. What pleasant people they are. I don't think they'll mind my recommending any other PTer's should give them a visit if anywhere near Dayton. You'll be glad you did.

Alas, we were already hours late for our last stop with Cataholic. We bid Deb and Dennis our thanks and goodbyes, and stuffed ourselves back in our now-beloved (not) SUV.

We had an hours drive south to Cincinnati, but that's for another chapter...

04-12-2005, 01:28 AM
Another great visit and wonderful pictures.:) Thanks for sharing these with us. I look forward to Chapter 4.:D

04-12-2005, 04:59 AM
:D You had the full range of weather, didn't you?? And YES PA is LOOOOONG!

Yet another place I want to go visit. I still think I should have stowed away in the back of the SUV. ;)

Thanks for letting us live your trip through pictures/stories.

Waiting for the Cataholic stop.....who by the way has NOT posted her own side of the story yet :eek:

04-12-2005, 07:12 AM
I am enjoying your visits so much. Thanks for sharing all of them with us. :)

04-12-2005, 07:59 AM
Your're posting at quarter to two in morning! After driving through a snowstorm and driving, driving? I can't get enough but oh my, you are a stronger woman than I would be at that point ;)

Laura's Babies
04-12-2005, 08:12 AM
Oh! Now that is a home I would love to visit! They have to be one lovely couple and have the most wonderful home. It is so great getting to see all these pictures of your trip and "meeting" them with you along with all their babies. A PT'ers Dream Vacation!

04-12-2005, 10:21 AM
Oh what fun to relive this visit!! If interested: Debbie & Dennis's version of K&L's visit to Dayton (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=75846&highlight=Dayton)

I soooo enjoyed meeting K&L and their pretty grand-daughters.

Than you for all the picture and commentary - can't wait for Chapter 4 in Cincy with Cataholic and all those tuxie-states:D

Laura: could you arrange to get off the boat up here and come vist CCL and I??;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-12-2005, 10:23 AM
Thanks for the great pics and stories once again! Wow, you met so many PT-ers, I am getting very jealous here :rolleyes: ;)

He he, cannot wait for last chapter now :D

04-12-2005, 11:13 AM
Having already read Dennis and Debbie's version of your visit, I was prepared for this one!!! :) It sounds like a home that I would like to visit in one day, myself!!!! Watch out, Debbie!!!! ;)

Can't wait to see Chapter 4 with Johanna, Jonah and all those black and white kitties!!! :)

04-12-2005, 05:22 PM
My daughter in law is from Carlisle - it's a lovely town. And we have driven through that tunnel numerous times on trips to Annapolis.

Thanks for the memories.

04-12-2005, 06:13 PM

04-12-2005, 07:58 PM
Now,that has got to be a stop,on the Cat Angel Tour of the USA.The Found Cats,would love,that closed in Patio,and all those Cat Trees!They would be so jealous,if they saw what what they are missing!

04-12-2005, 11:48 PM
great pics and great visit!!!

looking forward to chapter 4