View Full Version : I'm hating school about now..

04-11-2005, 03:44 PM
I'm very upset about school. I was always a straight A student until I hit grade 9. I'm now in grade 12 and things have gone so downhill. I've been trying so hard to pull up my grades but it's been so difficult.

I'm in entrepreneurship, and my teacher is being so unreasonable. I do have a business, and it's an at-home business. Right now I'm way too busy to do anything with it. Suddenly, she wants me to get my products in vet clinics. And if I don't, I fail my class, which means I fail grade 12. It's so unfair! Not a single other person in any of her other classes has to get their products in stores. I have NO TIME to make enough rat food to fill a clinic. In case she forgot, it isn't the only class I have! I think I should get to decide where I sell my products. It's MY business, I should do what I want with it. I spent all of lastnight cooking rat food, when I could have been studying for my English test, which should be my #1 priority. My mother is on the teacher's side. She said it doesn't matter what I want, or what I think, or what upsets me -- I have to do everything the teacher says. This isn't part of the course, so why should I do it? Nobody else has to do it, and everybody else probably has about the same amount of time as I do, which is practically none. My teacher expects me to make tons of money off of this -- enough so that I can make a living out of it. But I already explained that I don't WANT to make a living out of it. It's a side business, and I don't care how much money I make off of it. I HATE cooking. Why would I want to do it every day of my life?

Now on top of that, they signed me up for a jobshadow the very day I have an English test. The teacher says he won't let me do the test in advance, or afterwards. Does that mean I can't do it at all? If I don't get the hours...I fail grade 12. If I don't do this English test, I fail the term, which means that I fail grade 12. I also had a dentist and counsellor appointments that I had to cancel. I've been waiting to go to that dentist appointment for almost two months. :( My tooth is going to rot and fall out.

So in other words, if I get my product on the market, I have no time to do my other subjects, so I fail. If I don't get my product on the market, I fail. If I don't get my jobshadows, I fail. If I DO get my jobshadows, I miss assignments, so I fail. It's a lose-lose situation for me.

THIS means that I have to refuse to get my product on the market. I lose the credits for that class. That means that I have to get more jobshadows so that I can get 100 hours, so I can get 4 credits back. That means 100 less hours of working on my other classes...so I have to get up earlier and stay up later. As it is I only get 3 or 4 hours of sleep.

I'm soooo stressed out. And right now, I have a horrible migraine. And when I get a migraine, I generally get really sick and throw up. But, they won't let me go home. They are making me wait here until a teacher gets here to sign some stupid jobshadow sheet. So if I throw up, it'll be right here. URRGH.

04-11-2005, 03:58 PM
aww Jordan I'm sorry your having a crappy time :( Migraines really suck. I get them alot too, and they make me throw up:( I hope yours goes away soon!

Suki Wingy
04-11-2005, 05:44 PM
I am SOOO sorry! I know EXACTLY what you mean about grades going downhill at grade9 and up. As for the teacher, TOTTALY unfair! I'm really sorry and I hope it all gets better for you very soon!

04-11-2005, 06:07 PM
Thanks guys. :) I just got home and I've cooled off a bit, and my head has stopped hurting, but my stomach is still queasy.

I'm going to keep talking to my Entre teacher until she gets the point that I have no time to make the rat food. It takes me hours to do it. I know I spend some time on the computer or watching TV, but I need atleast an hour of fun in my day. She can't honestly expect me to take 4 or 5 hours out of my day to do work, that technically I shouldn't even be doing as it's not part of the course.

Suki Wingy
04-11-2005, 06:34 PM
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better.

04-11-2005, 11:18 PM
Set up a meeting with your student conuceler, or VP. Tell them about the rat food issue & that your the only one being forced to do it & so on.

I feel they will tell your teacher to drop it & let you do what the others are doing.

04-11-2005, 11:37 PM
I know what you mean by your sick of school, but my classes are not even close to that bad! I'm glad that your feeling better too!Don't worry, everything will be all right! You have my furbabies and I rooting for you! Not to mention everyone else on PT! You talk and we'll listen:D Good Luck!

04-12-2005, 12:11 AM
Hope things get better for you Jordan. Oh and I always found the best way to get out of school was to throw up on a teacher.:D It's amazing how co-operative they get when that happens.:D

04-12-2005, 07:49 AM
If she is singling you out, and NOBODY else is being made to do it, then you have a valid complaint to make to the principal.

However, that said, it seems as if you are just now starting to worry about failing grade 12. There were dozens of other tests way before now - you're in the final semester of school already! Did you not ask questions in class - after class - share notes? Get study buddies? I ask not to be sarcastic, but out of concern. If you did all those things, then something is not right, and your parents should have gone to the school about how their daughter is not being properly "reached". One year of getting behind (9th grade) snowballs REALLY fast - as you can see by being in 12th. I have a son who was treated VERY badly by several teachers from 9th til 11th. At the end of the 11th grade we threatened to sue the school district. Amazing how his grades went from Ds to almost staright As... and its not that they are giving away As to keep us happy... he's honestly happy in school this year for the first time ever --- all because the teachers now are being held accountable that he's understanding the informaton! He now understands what one earth is going on in class. A bit late for you, but maybe your parents can still step in and help. Get extra credit projects (like you need more work, but you get the ides)

And yes, real life stinks where there's days I don't get the luxury of computer time or TV to goof off for even ten minutes. Right now, instead of goofing off for an hour, I'd be studying like mad... because if you don't, you'll be doing this all over again next year. If you do study and forgo your hour of fun NOW, then next year you can have more time to yourself because you'll be out of highschool and onto something else.

Hope I helped you. I really don't want to make you feel bad -- just offering a mother's perspective. Good luck in moving your english test. If you can't -- make sure your mom steps in! Because the reason you're missing the test is NOT because you want to blow off the test, but because you have another school function to go to. If mom doesn't step in, go to the principal IMMEDIATELY and explain your plight.

04-12-2005, 04:46 PM
catnapper, I think these are they type of assignments that if you do not finish you auto fail. even if you got 100% on everything else.

Toby's my baby
04-12-2005, 04:52 PM
Aww, that sucks, hope you can get it finished in time!! Those danged teachers, they think we have nothing better to do...:rolleyes: and they usually give you a load of homework the night before an important test....:o

04-12-2005, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
There were dozens of other tests way before now - you're in the final semester of school already! Did you not ask questions in class - after class - share notes? Get study buddies?
And yes, real life stinks where there's days I don't get the luxury of computer time or TV to goof off for even ten minutes. Right now, instead of goofing off for an hour, I'd be studying like mad... because if you don't, you'll be doing this all over again next year. If you do study and forgo your hour of fun NOW, then next year you can have more time to yourself because you'll be out of highschool and onto something else.

Actually this is the first test we'll have had this term. We rarely have tests. I'm failing because in first term I missed a big assignment because I was sick. :( That was back when I was sick for like two weeks. There was no way I could go to school. He passed me on the other assignments I has missed, but he decided not to pass me on the biggest assignment. After that, I got fairly good grades on everything, but in the end, because of that one assignment, I got a C- overall. The next term I got a C+ which is good. Now I don't know what I'm getting, but my mother says if I fail this term than there's no way I can get through the year.

The thing is, I really need atleast an hour, or I go insane. Even with that hour I have constant panic attacks because I'm so stressed out. I need a break to get myself sorted out. When I feel crowded or overworked, I get really anxious. Even today, I lost the manager at Petcetera where I was jobshadowing and I started to have panic attack. They have been worse, but I'm not used to having them in the summer time. The counsellor wants me to go to a psychiatrist to see about getting some ADD medication, but my mom doesn't want me to. I think the ADD medication would help because I can't stay focused..I have such a hard time. It's so hard getting angry at yourself for not being able to pay attention. I get frustrated so easily.

I think one of the reasons English isn't doing well is the teacher. I've ALWAYS gotten A's in English. English is by far one of my best suits. I like to think I'm fairly well spoken, and when they tested my English skills in grade 10, they told me that I'm at a college level. So it wouldn't make sense that this ONE year, I'm suddenly getting average marks. I've found that one thing about me is that I am always better in a class with a teacher that I really like.

I'm thinking about switching out of English and into Communications, just so I can get away from it. I hate being avoidant but at this point I feel that it's in my best interest. I don't know what to do. :(

04-12-2005, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Oggyflute
Oh and I always found the best way to get out of school was to throw up on a teacher.:D It's amazing how co-operative they get when that happens.:D

I'll give that a try, Trev. ;)

Oh, and thanks for all of the replies everyone. :)