View Full Version : Is it okay??

04-11-2005, 07:07 AM
1.)my cat gets mood swings usaly when I am petting her.But its happened alot lately, I have cuts from her teeth(she is declawed on all four).Oh and she not pregnant.Is that rite for a cat?

2.)we where on vacation friday-saterday and when I got home I found paper peices on the floor she had been chewwing on paper for the 2nd time.She swallowed come,I can tell that she did because when we opened the door she had swallowed some paper.Is it okay that she does that?:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

04-11-2005, 07:26 AM
Some cats do react like that when they get petted - its something like they get so excited they don't know what to do. Rather like she's been overstimulated. Most often they'll swat at you with nails extended if they are overstimulated, but since her first line of defense is gone, she resorts to biting. Watch her signs, maybe she'll give you a look, maybe her body wil tense briefly. Pull away when she gives the first little sign so that you won't get bitten.

My Abby tries to eat tissues. We keep them out of sight from her. If you know your cat chews paper, its a good idea to keep any little pieces of paper hidden from her. A piece of paper here or there won't kill her, but a habit od eating paper every day could make her sick.

04-11-2005, 02:35 PM
Even,with My Michael,whom,I haveknown,all his Life,almost,will become over stimulated,and bite,that hand that feeds him.It isthe way,of ceratin Cats! As for eating paper,you will have,to check,with the Other Pet Talkers,as I am stymied!


04-11-2005, 04:33 PM
Yeah it sounds like you were gone and she really missed you, you stated she was not pregnant, is she fixed? Some times all it takes to mellow out a crazy cat is getting them Spayed or neutered.......good luck, sounds like she'll be fine

Laura's Babies
04-11-2005, 05:23 PM
Amy will get a paper towel and shred it from time to time into iddy bitty pieces all over the kitchen. She is a shredder. Not bad about it but does it now and then. I scold her and pick it up and she don't do it again for a long time. Who knows why she does it because they have so many toys to play with around here that she has plenty to play with..

I think it is overexcitement as far as bitting and you just have to learn to watch for the signs and stop BEFORE she bites, they do give you signs that they have had enough..