View Full Version : Subscribing!?

01-15-2002, 09:45 AM
I replied to some posts and now everytime someone replies after me it emails me. I don't mind being notified if I REQUESTED to be, but I didn't.

The email says something about, "The topic you have subscribed too has a new reply..."

I found in my 'User CP' a thing that will unsubcribe me. I'm hesitant to click that. Will it erase my posts in that topic? Will it unsubcribe me from Pettalk?

Do I have to click unsubscribe in my 'User CP' everytime I reply to a topic? :confused:



01-15-2002, 10:21 AM
I think I'm correct with this advice.....I did this and I'm not getting the emails. Go into user cp and click on edit options. If you scroll down a couple of items, you will see something that says "Use EMail Notification by Default". Click "no" and then scroll down and submit your changes.
Hope it works!! :D

01-15-2002, 10:32 AM

01-15-2002, 11:47 AM
You can also uncheck the box at the bottom of your posts. But you'd have to do that every time so Logan's way is better if unchecking something every time would bother you. I'm tempted to subscribe to a forum rather than just a thread, but my email would *******OVERFLOW******** hehe. I still might try it.

01-15-2002, 02:04 PM
I hear ya aly! :D

01-15-2002, 02:37 PM
I followed Logan's directions (poorly, the first couple times) :o :o :p but finally think I've got it working. Thanks to ramanth for bringing the issue to my attention before I blew up my email memory and to Logan for researching and providing the fix.

I think I'm really going to like this new format, but am having a little trouble getting used to all the 'bells and whistles' now available to us. :D