View Full Version : SO angry, mad and upset at work today...

04-08-2005, 10:29 PM
I work with 2 vet techs and I think they are both nice people. I make my opinions known about how much I HATE declawing. I dont like it, period. I went into work, and like I always do, check the surgeries coming up that day. We always have declaws, ALWAYS. It makes me want to cry, looking at these happy kitties, and then after surgery looking at how groggy they are, and how pitiful they are after the surgery is done. I KNOW it hurts them. Noone can argue that.
BUT, today I went in and noticed a declaw, under one of the vet techs name as the guardian. So I immediately went back and looked at the chart, just to be sure I was not jumping to conclusions. It was her.
She came in around 8:00, and I asked her why she is getting the kitty declawed. Her reply was "because I am getting new carpet, and I dont want him messing it up":rolleyes: I told her that there are PLENTY of options other than declaw, she should know that. Even the vet said I cant believe you are doing this. She still did it anyways.
I am so distraught. Mainly because she knows what the procedure is, how it works, the unetnical pain it causes. Also how to train a kitty to use a tree. Why declaw him? I just had to tell this to someone. Should I bring it back up again to her, or let it go? I just am confused as to why she did it to that poor kitty. I am just so sad. I know this is a pointless thread, but I just dont get it. If she did not know anything about it, then I would cut her slack, but she does, and that bothers me to no end.

Laura's Babies
04-08-2005, 10:37 PM
My advice is to let it go. Working in a vets office, you are going to see many cruelties to animals, you can't chew everybody out (and I would be wanting to if it was me, same as you do!). That is the bad part of working with animals, you see the lives some of them have to live and it breaks your heart and there is no way we could ever understand what these people are thinking....

04-08-2005, 10:45 PM
This is NOT a pointless thread kt_luvs_kitties.
You are upset over this, which I don't blame you and have come to us, as we understand how you feel.

I myself cannot comprehend how someone who works as a vet tech can do this to one of their kitties, KNOWING, the trauma and pain that these little ones go through.
Just because she is getting a new carpet!!!!!! :mad: No comment.

Personally, I wouldn't bring it up again. You already spoke to her in regards to what her options are and it's obvious that you were talking to a brick wall.

Try to put it out of mind. I know, easier said than done, but focus on all the good that vets also do.


04-08-2005, 11:31 PM
Thats horrible :( I just got a job at a vet clinic and it is the only one in our city that will NOT do declaws. I am really happy about that because I don't think I could handle seeing the poor kitties coming out of that surgery :(

You might want to try bringing it up to her again in a nice, indirect way. People can get really defensive about things so I try not to be too direct. Once someone gets defensive, it is almost impossible to communitcate.

04-08-2005, 11:32 PM
Just remember you have to work with this person mate. You might have to agree to disagree.

04-09-2005, 08:30 AM
I willnever have a Cat declawed.after I saw,how Mr Scrappy,had such a hard time,when he got older,in keeping his back end clean.He couldnt scratch there,and had horrible dandruff.And I notice,that the Cats,that came declawed,to the Hotel,have similar problems.Scrappy 2,is being taught,where to scratch,and she learns fast.Some people,sadly like the Right,to have a Pet Companion,but not the RESPONSIBILITY!


04-09-2005, 09:05 AM
I hate to admit this, but my VET actually begged me to get Brodie de-clawed. Several times! I almost walked out . . . but we stood there and I argued my stance for a few minutes . . . I couldn't believe how much she was for declawing. She finally gave up. :rolleyes:

I considered finding a new vet, but I hate to switch now . . . she is a really awesome person and I really like her a lot . . . except for that day. ;)

04-09-2005, 09:29 AM
I wouldn't bring it up again at work. But I've gotta tell you, that's one of the reasons WHY I could never work at a Veterinary office. I have VERY strong feelings about declawing and would probably get violently ill if I ever had to assist in the procedure. I think it is cruel and inhumane.

Vent all you want here. That's what friends are for! ;) But I'd drop it at work if I were you. At least now you've made your feelings known. I'd hate to have you lose your job over it.

04-09-2005, 10:16 AM
Not a pointless thread! I too would be raving mad... but I'd also know I'd have to let it go. I hope her precious new carpet gives her allergies or something. :mad:

04-09-2005, 10:19 AM
thats not fair for the poor kittie all she had to do was buy a cat tree or scratching posts or anything that would make the kitty wanna scratch that instead of carpet there was no need to declaw him/her