View Full Version : K&L's PT Tour - Chapter 2; Visiting Jen and Catnapper (*12 pix*)

K & L
04-08-2005, 10:09 PM
To review the previous chapter:
K&L's PT Tour - Chapter 1; Visiting CatCrazyLady (*12 pix*) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=76043)

K&L's PT Tour - Chapter 2; Visiting Jen and Catnapper (Kim)

Following our delightful visit with CatCrazyLady (Lisa and Joe), we departed shortly after noon for points East. Eight hours later, following a few snack/feeding stops and numerous toilet breaks, we stopped for the night in Charleston, West Virginia. Considering the cramped quarters in the overfilled SUV, the girls were very well behaved. However, by now they had watched, on the portable DVD players, most of the movies we had packed. Our first stop the next morning was at Walmart to stock up on more video entertainment/diversions for them. (As good as they are, I shudder to think how little patience the girls may have had during the long drive were we not travelling with DVD players.)

The next day was spent entirely on the road to Washington, D.C. Interstate 64, as it winds through the Appalachians in southern W.V., is a splendorous and highly recommended drive. (We normally prefer non-interstate roads when travelling/sightseeing since you discover so many more intersting and quircky aspects of middle America.) We tried to visit/tour the Greenbrier (White Sulfar Springs, W.V.) but were informed by the gate attendant that only registered guests and members could enter. (Sadly, the tours of the old super-secret government bunker there have also been discontinued: now what are they secretly building there???)

In the later afternoon, in Virginia, we turned off of I-64 onto the Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park. For those who have never driven this, it is 40 miles of two lane road that gently winds near the peaks of moutains beside the Shenandoah valley. It's a gorgeous drive.

Here are the girls at one of the many pullouts, hiking trailheads, and campgrounds:

We saw at least three different groups of deer as we drove through the park. This one literally walked to within 5 feet of the car:

We arrived later that night near D.C., where we were to tour the next day. The crowds and traffic were HORRIBLE. I'd forgotten that we were in the midst of Spring Break for most schools. The girls saw, from the car, most of the monuments and government buildings near the National Mall. A couple of the girls had developed foot blisters from their new tennis shoes so a walking tour - IF we had been lucky enough to have found a parking place - was out of the question. So, the D.C. tour stop was rather a disappointment, but we used that afternoon to rest and relax.

The following day we were off to New Jersey. We took the 'back' roads through Maryland and Delaware, and, being a little behind schedule, then the 'Jersey Turnpike all the way through New Jersey. The girls must have watched 3 or 4 movies, though some napping did take place:

The next couple of days we spent visiting with K's family, preparing for, and attending, the wedding that was the original reason for this whole vacation fiasco. All went well, and the girls (now known as 'Dancing Maniacs') were the life of the party (to use an old addage):

The day after the wedding we set out for the drive back to Kentucky, via visists to more PTers. First up was a stop in Allentown to see Jenluckenbach. It rained hard throughout the entire drive but we were still able to enjoy some beautiful back roads and small towns.

We arrived in Allentown later than we'd hoped - about 6:00 - but were enthusiastically greeted at the door by Jen, Charlie, Catnapper (Kim) and numerous cats:

It was great to be greeted so warmly by them. We were tired and wet and in need of more cat and cat people visiting. We were given a tour of their homey 'digs'; three levels of cat heaven.

I don't remember their names, but Jen said these two cats hate each other. However, whenever strangers come to visit they hide here side-by-side:

As Lisa and I have discovered, we are really only butlers and maids for our cats' residences. And Jen and Charlie have really out done themselves making their home serve as a cat's castle. All of the cats had their own sleeping condos, and the entire third floor is dedicated to all of their luckier-than-they-know fosters.

They let the girls feed the cats treats, which really brought them out of their hiding places:


Jen, Charlie, and Kim were most entertaining to talk with. In addition to cats, we talked about any number of other things; work, travel, etc. Yet again, proof that PTers easily build on their common interests in cats, and branch naturally on to a wide variety of other topics.

They also surprised us with a birthday dinner for Lisa. We didn't realize how hungry we were, but the wraps, cake, and drinks really hit the spot:

This guy was quite the opportunist - our girls are used to cats that are not shy about sharing a plate:


Lisa even received birthday gifts! How thoughtful was that?!?

Too soon, the time came for us to leave - we still had to drive a few hours so we could make our PT visits the next day and not be too late there.

Our deepest thanks go out to Jen, Charlie, and Kim for being so warmly welcoming, thoughful, and patient with the girls and us. We expect, eventually, to be able to return the hospitality.

Next stops are in south western Ohio - Sirrahbed and Cataholic! Read all about it in Chapter 3 - Soon!

04-08-2005, 10:15 PM
I love seeing/reading all the details of your trip. HOW EXCITING! Very nice of Kim, Charlie and Jen to help make leaving the kitties home as peaceful and enjoyable as possible!

04-08-2005, 10:26 PM
How wonderful! The story-telling is fabulous and the pictures even better! You guys made the cross-country trip of a lifetime! Those girls will have such stories to tell their friends as they grow. How fantastic, I'm so impressed. I can't wait to hear the rest of the story! Thank you!

Laura's Babies
04-08-2005, 10:30 PM
WONDERFUL pictures and story of the visit.. I could move in there with all those little furry beauties. It looks like heaven! I can't wait for the next installment of your trip with the pictures. It is great getting to see everybody, even if I have to do it in pictures and their babies.. Thanks for this thread and sharing your vacation with us!!

04-09-2005, 12:38 AM
I am enjoying visiting with PT'ers thru you and you're grandaughters!
Looking forward to Chapter 3 - ?

04-09-2005, 12:45 AM
That you for linking Chaper #1, as I missed it the first time around. That would definitely be a dream of mine to be able to one day, pet my Magoo in person. :)

What a fabulous time enjoyed by all. I truly enjoyed reading about your trip so far and seeing all the great pictures.
My gosh, I would be in heaven will Jen's cats all around me like that.

Looking forward to Chaper 3.:D

04-09-2005, 09:11 AM
Thank you for sharing your trip! The pics have been so great!

I can't wait for Chapter 3!!! (how long are you gonna make us wait this time ;) )

BTW, the pic of the girls dancing was so cute! Loved it!

K & L
04-09-2005, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by christa
Thank you for sharing your trip! The pics have been so great!

I can't wait for Chapter 3!!! (how long are you gonna make us wait this time ;) )

BTW, the pic of the girls dancing was so cute! Loved it!

Hopefully we'll get it posted this weekend!:)

04-09-2005, 09:41 AM
It is like we were all there with you!!! Can't wait for Chapter 3, he he he..

04-09-2005, 10:03 AM
Couldn't wait for this chapter already:) What an exciting story- and it always ends with a cliffhanger;)

Regarding the fact how yummy these wraps look I think Jen's and Charlie's cats are surprisingly well behaved:)

04-09-2005, 10:26 AM
I am so glad you enjoyed your visit - we were thrileld to have met you! The kitties that hate each other are Bonnie and Micky.. I think. I know one is Bonnie. Jen will clear that up soon! :D

I loved the pictures of your journey! Looks like you got to see some awesome views.

04-09-2005, 11:22 AM
Chapter 2 was wpnderful, and again- I feel like I was invited along:D The pictures and narration are such fun!

Now. I am anticipating a visit to.....my OWN HOUSE!!!:D :p

04-09-2005, 12:37 PM
I just love Chapter's 1 & 2, makes you feel like you wee right there with them the whole time! Kevin, you are such a good story teller!! Is this all from memory or did you take notes as you went along??!! :p

Can't wait for Chapter 3 and more PICTURES!!!!! :D

04-09-2005, 01:25 PM
That would be the way,I would like,to live,travelling,all over the USA,in a RV,with the Found Cats,in tow.But my eyesight,is so poor,that I cannot retreive,my liscense,as I have not driven,for over thirty yeatrs,and I was a bad driver,then.Those,are Great Photos,and I will have,to wait,until I am,with the Cat Angels,to visit.


04-09-2005, 02:09 PM
Your little granddaughters are so adorable! Looks like you all had a great trip. I too, can't wait to see Chapter 3. Hope there will be some pics of little Jonah in there. ;)

04-09-2005, 02:45 PM
FINALLY!!!! (pet talk was down this AM and I have finally gotten home from work to read chapter 2)

So......YOU ARE WELCOME! We were so thrilled that you even wanted to come visit. I am glad we could bring some sunshine to that rainy day. I think the girls had quite a good time running the stairs, walking on the exerciser and hunting down the elusive Monte and other hiding cats. And of course my cats are well behaved!!! :p we didn't leave the food unguarded :o

And yes, Bonnie and Mickey can't usually sit next to each other without a growl and a swat, but give them a "common enemy" (STRANGERS) and all of a sudden they are all cozy. :rolleyes:

Paitiently (fingers crossed) waiting for chapter 3.

04-09-2005, 03:04 PM
How WONDERFUL! Gosh, Lisa you are tiny!!! Just like Lisa CCL! Too cute!!:D Great pics of everyone!!! Looks like a really nice time!:D

04-09-2005, 04:03 PM
It's so wonderful that you all had a chance to meet! :) What a nice trip you had! :)

LOL, you know what? I really envy you! :) I live to far apart from everyone here at PT! *sigh*

But I enjoy looking at the pictures you took!


K & L
04-09-2005, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
How WONDERFUL! Gosh, Lisa you are tiny!!! Just like Lisa CCL! Too cute!!:D Great pics of everyone!!! Looks like a really nice time!:D

OMG! Thanks Kim but I weigh more now than I weighed when I was 9 months pregnant!:eek: I use to be quite the petite one, but age and lack of exercise have changed all that!:D Glad everyone is enjoying the Chapters cause we sure enjoyed the visits!

04-09-2005, 08:48 PM
Thanks for sharing more of your trip and visits with Pet Talker's with us. I'm so glad that everyone had such a good time.:) I'll be looking for Chapter 3.;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-12-2005, 10:17 AM
What an wonderful trip you made!! I love the story that accompanies the pics too! I THANKS!!!!

04-12-2005, 11:09 AM
Oh my, another wonderful chapter!!! :) I am so jealous!!!!!!!

Felicia's Mom
04-12-2005, 03:07 PM
I am enjoying your tours and look foreward to each new one.