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06-18-2001, 07:02 AM
I guess I'll be the first to start this off. Yes I remember one very vivid dream that I had about Trevor (my big orange tabby cat). It seems that I took him to the movies with me. He was sitting in the seat right next to me and then decided to jump down on the floor. (I guess he wasn't interested in the plot. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif ) Anyway, he started eating people's discarded popcorn on the floor and began choking. I scooped him up and ran into the lobby asking "is anyone here a vet?" "Does anyone know how to do the Heimlich Maneuver on a cat?" I was absolutely frantic! While I was freaking out he did a big cough and out popped the offending piece of popcorn! I am sure I have had several dreams about my pets over time, but this is the one that stands out. My family thinks I need to "get a life!"


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06-18-2001, 09:18 AM
Nope, I don't dream about them, since I sleep with Daisy and she wants to play for about a half hour before bedtime, I guess I'm too tired to dream. She keeps me busy morning, noon and night. Perry takes his naps and sleeps at night in his crate, he likes his privacy and when he is tired of everybody that's where he goes. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif


06-18-2001, 05:46 PM
I don't dream about my 3 dogs.

06-18-2001, 09:20 PM
I dream about my Dessi (Rainbow Bridge) the most. I am always so sad when I wake up and realize she's not there. Whenever I dream about Shiloh or Reece, they are usually scary dreams. I am just so worried and paranoid that something bad will happen to them and it comes out in my dreams.

06-19-2001, 02:17 AM
i have dreams about my living pets now and then. however, the ones i had most often were of my parakeets after they passed on. i was planning on getting anothe rone about a year ago. i promised myself i'd take better care of this one. i had done good, but i could have done alot better. well, it had been years since my birds died and since i dreampt about either. but in my dreams they were still alive. but neglected in the afterlife w/ no food or water for all that time. as if they are waiting for me. they even spoke to me in my dreams. i think the whole point was to teach me a lesson, to make sure i cared for my next w/ the utmost attention. i'm not sure if they really came to me or not, but it was real enough. i especially missed the male. even if it was a dream, i'm glad i got to see him again.

06-19-2001, 05:27 AM
I occasionally dream about my living pets and about my sisters pets. Sometimes I also dream about Titti, my cat who died 4 years ago aged 18. I loved her so much and I still miss her, the dreams I have about her though are quite comforting as even if she is trying to tell me something.

06-19-2001, 08:46 AM
I submitted this question cause one morning I woke up and realized that I've had lots of Codydreams. In some, I'm saving HIM! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif I guess I can't get enough..24/7!

06-19-2001, 11:40 PM
Ohhhhh my gosh!!!!! I can't believe I just remembered this! Like 2 weeks ago STAR and CODY were in my dream!!! It had slipped my mind until now. I remembered briefly the morning after I had it. Also some of the humans from Pet Talk were in it but I wasn't sure who they were since I don't know what most of you look like!

06-20-2001, 04:15 AM
wow aly! that is so weird, ....but cool. i've had dreams like that before. though i never met them in real life, i know who they are anyhow. ever have a type of dream where a person looks like one person you know, but you know they are supposed to represent someone else?

06-21-2001, 12:42 PM
I don't usually dream with my dogs if I'm home.
But, twice, when I was away in London, once for 4 months and another time 2 months, I had dreams about them constantly. I knew they were very well taken care of by some of my lovely students who had stayed in my house, but even so I was always worried about them, day and night.


"Scratch a dog and you will find a permanent job."
Franklin P. Jones

Come smile with me at:

06-21-2001, 03:41 PM
I know I have but I can't remember any specifics of my dreams for very long. Next time I have one, I will be sure to come back to post it. HA!

06-30-2001, 09:33 AM
I can't have a pet(go see my profile to see why) but I dream that I have a terrier and I'm really happy taking care of it until I wake up and realize I don't have one. :( It's really dumb I know but everyobe's entitled to their dreams right?

4 feline house
06-30-2001, 01:48 PM
For some reason, if I dream about pets, it's almost always the ones that have gone to the rainbow bridge. I remember vividly a dream I had almost 17 years ago - I was 9 mos pregnant, in the hospital with toxemia, waiting for an OR to come available so they could take the baby. They had me on powerful anti-seizure drugs that caused me to have really weird dreams. The one I kept having over and over was my cat Zebo kept lunging at me with his mouth wide open, and he had huge, saber-like teeth! But for some reason (maybe because I was so drugged up) they didn't scare me.

One of my cats is a twenty pound tuxedo, Biggie. I also have an extreme fear and loathing of palmetto bugs, and this is the time of year they start showing up. Of course, they frequently get in the house. So, my fear of them being bad this summer caused me to dream that I saw one in the pantry. Only it was a twenty pound, black and white bug! I don't know what made me dream that Biggie was a roach!

07-03-2001, 06:36 PM
Ironically I had an odd dream about Cassy this weekend. In it, I'd made oatmeal and he was hovering over the bowl begging for some. (Not typical behavior for him for oatmeal, at least.) While digging in the goo, I dug up a catnip mouse which he joyously confiscated. :eek:

Hope this isn't one of those 'forcasting the future' type dreams. Ick. ;) :D :p

07-07-2001, 11:36 PM
to Eudora: that's not dumb! i actually feel sorry for you. perhaps a time will come when you can have pets and the terrier will no longer be in your dreams,... but in your lap. :-)

Daisy's Mom
07-08-2001, 01:53 AM
Eudora that isn't dumb at all. I know what you are going through; I used to dream those same dreams, and I'd wake up searching for my dream dog. When I was little I was unable to get a dog because I had taken an allergy test and was found to be allergic to dogs! My family was shocked because I plastered myself to any pooch I saw, but those test results ruined my life for 5 years. Finally when I was thirteen, my parents gave in, seeing that I never was allergic to dogs, and I got Daisy. I love her so much, and I think that having to wait for her makes me love her all the more! And, just to keep your hopes up: people CAN outgrow allergies! My father outgrew his cat allergy! So keep your chin up ;) Sorry to get off the topic here, I just can connect to Eudora's pain here :)

As for dreaming about Daisy, not usually, but before I left on vacation, I had a horrible nightmare... she was going to be staying with a friend who lives on a busy road. I gave him explicit instructions never to let her out alone. Well, in my dream, she was tied outside to a tree but she somehow got out and was hit by a car. Sitting in the beach house, I got a call from my friend, gravely telling me that Daisy had died. I started crying and then I woke up and found myself actually bawling! Thank goodness it was just a nightmare!

07-08-2001, 06:56 AM
Bridget...What a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE dream! What a wonderful thing to wake up and realize it was only a dream!! :eek:

Daisy's Mom
07-08-2001, 06:19 PM
I know! I woke up and grabbed poor Daisy and gave her a big huge hug. She had no idea what was going on and was quite annoyed that I woke her in the middle of the night for a hug :)

07-10-2001, 10:40 PM
This is so strange, I usually don't dream about my animals, but I did last night. Rascal, my orange tabby was in my dream and although he seemed fine, he was pretty thin. He weighs in at about 15 pounds so when I woke up I was so happy my sturdy kitty was just as solid as always. I am wondering if reading this post gave me the idea.