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View Full Version : Kennel cough

Basset Mom
04-08-2005, 07:48 PM
We have had Buttons for 3 weeks now and I have noticed she is making a sound like she is clearing her throat and does it for about 30 seconds at a clip. I am worried that this may be kennel cough. Can anyone tell me the symptoms of kennel cough? I have two bassets and I do not want to have an epidemic. Buttons is up to date on all her shots. She is 4 1/2 months old.

04-08-2005, 07:54 PM
I'm sorry I don't know the symptoms of kennel cough. Have you searched the internet for any info? Is Buttons on heartworm medication? I know one of the symptoms of heartworm is a rasping cough or trouble breathing. I'm not familiar with Buttons, I'm sorry. Did you get her from a breeder?
It seems like the vet would have given her a kennel cough vaccine especially knowing she lives with 2 other dogs. Do you get the others vaccinated against it? I know it's every 6 months and my vet recommends it if you go to any dog parks and requires it for kenneling.
Good luck! I hope buttons is OK. I love bassets, they are the cutest dogs!

Basset Mom
04-08-2005, 08:16 PM
We got Buttons at a rescue on 03/19/05 and she had her bordetella vaccination on 02/11/05 and 02/25/05. She is up to date on all her shots. I was wondering if the fact that we got new carpet might have something to do with it. I think I will take her to my vet I thought I wouldn't have to because her records are all here and she is up to date but I think for peace of mind I will.

04-08-2005, 08:32 PM
Peace of mind is worth a lot.:) Let us know what the Vet says.

Best of luck with Buttons.:)

04-08-2005, 08:35 PM
I think that taking Buttons to the vet is the right move. Could be nothing...a cold...allergies...
I know that in my state, kennel cough is not required, just recommended. What are the laws in yours? Has she been around other dogs besides your own? Or have yours been around others besides her? I would only worry about kennel cough if they have. Otherwise, it's unusual from what I understand. Could be allergies to the chemicals in the carpet. How are the others doing?
You are very brave, getting a new carpet and a puppy at the same time!:D

04-09-2005, 12:42 PM
A dog with kennel cough will be lethargic, not eating well and makes a loud, hacking sound alot. They often bring up some white or yellow colored foam with the hacking. It runs its course in about two weeks. It's highly contagious and airborne. If one dogs gets it, other dogs will too. It regularly passes through places were dogs congregrate--kennels, shelters and mushing dog yards. The vaccine is not particularly effective. Kennel cough is like the human cold. It has many different strains and the vaccine only works on certain ones.

The good news is that it's not usually dangerous. Annoying and not fun, but rarely fatal. It's more serious in a puppy or a senior dog.

There was a thread on this forum not long ago about kennel cough. There is some debate about treatment. Some vets will prescribe medication. Mine does not and advocates just letting the disease run it's course unless complications develop. That's what I did last year when it went through my pack. It took three weeks to go through 16 of my 18 dogs. Suprisingly, my two weakest dogs, in terms of their health at the time, were the two who did not get sick. Everyone else recovered just fine.

Let us know what the vet says.

04-09-2005, 01:35 PM
Buttons could definitely have kennel cough. She could've contracted it before the vaccine, or shortly after. My sister just adopted a Border Collie x from the shelter in February, she had all of her shots utd, and she didn't seem to have kennel cough. But, right when she got home their English Bulldog (also vaccinated) started hacking, not eating (he lost almost 10 lbs), and the vet said he had kennel cough. The vet did give him medicine, but it took him a few weeks to fully get over it. Now they're both totally fine :)

Basset Mom
04-09-2005, 06:30 PM
None of mine have a lack of appetite Trust me they all want to eat eat eat and they are all full of energy. I think it might be the new carpet. If loss of appetite and being lethargic are symptoms they do not have it also they are not really being loud or coughing up anything. It just sounds like clearing their throat not loud or vigorous at all.

Ginger's Mom
04-09-2005, 07:18 PM
Thanks for that post Glacier, it was very informative. I get my dog vaccinated against kennel cough every year only because we take in fosters on occasion and some of them come from the shelter. But to be honest I didn't really know anything about it.

Ahh, Basset Mom I am sure that Buttons is going to be fine :) I was going to tease you and tell you that you better take care of that little girl, because I for one am looking forward to seeing a LOT more pictures of her. :D

04-09-2005, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Basset Mom
None of mine have a lack of appetite Trust me they all want to eat eat eat and they are all full of energy. I think it might be the new carpet. If loss of appetite and being lethargic are symptoms they do not have it also they are not really being loud or coughing up anything. It just sounds like clearing their throat not loud or vigorous at all.

I think you're right that it sure doesn't sound like kennel cough
from what you say. You'd know it if it was. It's a real hacking type

I'd also love to see some pics of Buttons & also your other two
bassetts. :)