View Full Version : Moving to USA with your dog

04-08-2005, 11:47 AM
Hello, does anyone out there know what one needs to know/do to bring their dog into the USA from another country. One of my sisters is thinking about moving back into the states and now has a dog (choc lab). I have contacted the Dept of Agriculture, but they said they only deal with the exportation of animals, and to contact the Center for Disease Control. I have called them and left a message, but it has not been returned as of yet. I will look at their website today. My other sister, Johanna, told me she remembers a discussion on Pet Talk regarding this topic. Any help would be greatlt appreciated. Thanks, Jenna

04-08-2005, 12:06 PM
ok, I'm replying to my own thread! I just went online to the website for Importation of Pets, Other animals, and animal products into the US. This site is thru "Division of Global Migration and Quarantine". This site has tons of info and it looks pretty straight forward. Under Importation of Pet Dog I see what the dog must be vaccinated for, what papers you need, etc.... Has anyone out there followed the guidelines set forth at this site and still had their dog quarantined? I appreciate all replys/information/experiences. Thanks again, Jenna

04-08-2005, 12:13 PM
Well, I'm glad you found the imformation you are looking for! Nice work!:)
I can't help you but Souraya (Doggiesarethebest) may be able too. She left this country with Drake, not entered but I know she has taken him to 15 different countries and will be returning to the US in May so she may be familiar with the process. She's not on too much so maybe a PM to her would be better. I'm sure she would love to help you if she can.:D

Cinder & Smoke
04-08-2005, 06:41 PM
Jenna ~

The one you should "talk to" is Souraya -
who posts as DoggiesAreTheBest.

She and her Hubby Andrew have traveled to countless Foreign Lands
WITH their Shepherd Mix Drake!
Drake Flies and/or Drives across international borders with
no reported problems - so his Mom must know most of the
border-crossing tricks.

One *important* detail you should check on is if the Doq In Question
is/was a US "citizen" Doggie OR if he's Foreign-Born -
Might or might NOT make a difference in coming into the USA.

/s/ Phred

04-08-2005, 07:13 PM
You can also check with Ted. He's new here but I know he brought his dog Chamba into the country. Sadly, Chamba recently passed away.:( Ted started a thread about him. I would post the link for you but I'm on my home computer which is EXTREMELY old and if I open too many windows, it'll crash!;) Ted also has a website set up for Chamba so if he is not around here, maybe you can check it out. He has the link posted. :).

Cinder & Smoke
04-08-2005, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by birdangel

I have contacted the Dept of Agriculture, but
they said they only deal with the exportation of animals,
and to contact the Center for Disease Control.

Jenna ~

THIS USDA (Dept of Agriculture)Page give "hints" that USDA
*DOES* have Pet Regulations >>>

USDA (Dept of Agriculture) Web page (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/vs/ncie/pet-info.html)
("Importation of Pets and Other Animals Into the United States")

After USDA start out saying pets are regulated by
CDC (Center for Disease Control) - the USDA page talks about things NOT covered on the CDC site ...
SEE the USDA section "Special Circumstances" on the linked page.

Seems like a LOT Depends upon the Country that the dog is arriving FROM!


/s/ Phred

04-08-2005, 08:15 PM
Im glad u found your info.

We bought Senorita in Canada and we had to have her vaccinated and all her papers and of course they had to see her too. We went back and forth with her 3-4 times into Canada and the same thing all times, they had to see all her papers, etc.

04-08-2005, 10:46 PM
We brought my RB girls into canada & U.S many times.The most recent,RB sheena from germany into the U.S.so i have experience with this.
you have to have their vaccination records with you.its very important when bringing your dog into another country.

04-09-2005, 12:10 PM
Jenna, where is your sister moving from. If she is bringing her dog from certain countries in Africa, Mediterranean Countries (Greece, Spain, Italy, or Portugal), or England, then quarantine will be obligatory. This is because of rabies and lichamaneasis in the Med, and hoof and mouth in England.

Otherwise, all she needs is a rabies certificate and an Official International Health Certificate. An OIHC is a health crtificate issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and signed by the state Vet. Your vet should be able to tell you where to get it.

We haven't been back to the States, but Mom took Ripley, her Bichon, in December and that is what she needed. Plus, that is what we do for Drake everytime we fly with him and what our vet said and CDC about taking him back to the states.

Hope that helps.


04-09-2005, 12:24 PM
my sister is moving from Italy........so how long is the quarrentine period? Where will the dog be quarrentined?

04-09-2005, 01:32 PM
Where in Italy? If it is a coastal city, then he may have to be quarantined. Otherwise not. Is your sister Military or Military dependant? If so, then they may not quarantine. I think the normal quarantine time is 6 weeks. She should contact CDC.

04-09-2005, 06:22 PM
This is the information you need:
Center for Disease Control: "Importation of Pets, Other Animals, and Animal Products into the United States"

It's been more than 10 years since I brought Chamba to the USA from Cameroon. It was actually more of a nuisance getting him out of Cameroon. (I'll write about that eventually on Chamba's Web site.)

He was not required to be quarantined. All I had to show was his vaccination certificate.

He potentially could have been inspected. I was told that if he looked ill in any way, the customs folks could have required an exam by a vet. He had a small sore on his forehead that I'd dabbed with black shoe polish to make it less noticeable.

Chamba sailed through customs and was naturalized in seconds. (I thought of all the Cameroonians I knew who struggle fruitlessly for years just to get a US visa.)

The US quartantine laws were changed back in the 70's, but most people still think it's a requirement. Islands are typically more stringent. Hawaii is the only place in the US that has a minimum required quarantinte. The UK has a notoriously cruel 183 day minimum, but they have recently relaxed those laws for pets from the US with certain qualifications.

Countries That Quarantine Pets

Britain relaxes it's Quarantine for Canadian and US cats and Dogs

Chamba's Memorial Web Site (Not depressing. I promise)

This is Chamba a few minutes after becoming a US Citizen:
