View Full Version : Thanks So Much Amy!

04-07-2005, 08:00 PM
Between visiting my really sick friend today and learning of Dale's passing, I've been kind of down. But, visiting my friend did have an up side. I got to give her Amy's drawing of her husband's retired police dog. He had to be put down recently. He had been really sick with siezures plus was an older dog, too. They loved him so much. This really made them happy. Ignore the blacked out part. I took that out because it told where I work. They had a colored drawing and it looked ok but Amy's is way better. They couldn't believe how young she was.
This is Apok. He's a retired police dog, too. He just loved this toy. Hardly took it out of my mouth.
This is him when I was holding my hand above my head trying to make his ears go up. See his silver teeth?
Here I am trying to get the toy away from him.
This is Blaze. He just loved going into the pool to get his ball.
Apok would circle the pool with his toy in his mouth while Blaze went and got the ball. He reminded me of Nebo. One time, he put the toy in the water but it was right at the edge so he could fish it out without going in.
Couple more in next

04-07-2005, 08:06 PM
Both my friends were out of the room and Apok was with me. So, I knew the German he knew and got him to pose.
Just couldn't get his ears up. Kitty and horsie didn't work for him.
Here's Blaze sleeping off all the swimming he did. He must have gone in at least ten times before he got tired.
That drawing really made their day. Especially my friend's. She can't even go out hardly at all because she's so sick and it's nothing curable. I feel so badly for her because she's really a people person and is not made to be a hermit. I think she's about my age but I can really tell that this has taken a toll on her. My visit cheered her up a lot. When she's feeling better, I'm going to take my stuff over there and let her scrapbook. She got really interested in it when I was talking about it. And yes, Amy, I did manage to give it to them without crying. Though I've done my share since I got home. Thanks so much for giving me that special gift to give to them.

04-07-2005, 09:04 PM
Wow, they are very cute dogs, and that is a very good drawing! How nice of Amy!! I love the pic of Blaze swimming. :D What's bleeped out in the first pic?

04-07-2005, 10:00 PM
I'm glad they liked the drawing! Great pics of the dogs...Apok and Blaze are so gorgeous!!

04-08-2005, 01:55 AM
Wonderful pictures and such good looking pups.:)

04-08-2005, 07:19 AM
You did a beautiful job, Amy! :) That was a wonderful gesture from you and Val. I'm certain it brightened up that lady's day.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-08-2005, 07:29 AM
What a beautiful drawing!!

04-08-2005, 08:29 AM
Great Job Amy!!

Oh Val... you sure know how to make my heart melt by showing pictures of shepherds!!!! :D

(Sorry... I may have missed something... but why does Apok have silver teeth?)

04-08-2005, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by pitc9
(Sorry... I may have missed something... but why does Apok have silver teeth?)
He was a police k9 and broke one so those two teeth were capped.

04-08-2005, 11:25 AM
What a wonderful gift!! Way to go Amy. :)

Apok was gorgeous. Blaze is too.