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View Full Version : i made another bed

04-07-2005, 07:07 PM
hehe i made another bed today its a half circle with one side open and i put it on my bathroom cabinet where my cat molly loves to set and genious she got right in it and is still there she got in it over an hour ago

04-07-2005, 07:15 PM
And what, no pictures??? I want Molly I want Molly! She is so cute, I dont get a day off of work , until next Tuesday.
That means I work 12-13 hours a day, for 14 days straight. I am gonna get SO MUCH overtime, but then, I get atleast 1/2 taken away by taxes:mad: I am so tired, and my feet hurt.
When I can, I have to come by and see her and Mistofeles. I will take some good pictures of them so you can post them;)

04-07-2005, 07:18 PM
good lol i will get a pic of molly in the new half bed when its light outside again bc my camera works really good with outside light the inside lite makes the pics suck

Laura's Babies
04-07-2005, 08:43 PM
YUP! Gotta have pictures! Have to see your work and that it meets with kitty approval...