View Full Version : Star has learned a new trick

04-06-2005, 01:30 PM
I am facinated how quickly Star is growing and developing. She cracked me up so bad the night before. I was wiggling my feet and she hunched down and then she wiggled her little bum and launched for attack. She looked like a teeny tiny lion. I laughed so hard, it confused, her scared her, then she attacked my foot anyway. She makes me laugh. I think she does stuff because she knows I have been down a lot. Anyway, getting a kitten was the best thing my husband and I could have done. It's amazing how small she is and how big my love for her is.


04-06-2005, 01:37 PM
How cute!!! We call that maneuver "butt squitch*:D I am SOOOO glad that you were able to get Star, Annie:) I am also glad she is bringing smiles and laughter to you!!! ((((HUGS))))

Oh and butt squitch and lots of other furminology (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=59839&highlight=Furminology) words we have come up with on PT are at that link:D Do you have any to add??

04-06-2005, 01:46 PM
lol.. that's really cute. I will have to keep my eyes open for new ones. I am also going to send that link to my mom. She kind of freaked when I told her that her cat Tigoo was sitting Meatloaf. I told her I learned it at pettalk. :-) She's a cat lover too.

04-06-2005, 03:18 PM
We call the same thing the "butt wiggle". I love it when they do that!

Laura's Babies
04-06-2005, 03:22 PM
Yup! Typical kittie behavior... Don't the love for them seem eons bigger than they get? Just wait, that love will grow and grow!!

04-06-2005, 03:44 PM
I can imagine. I love her more every day. The last time I had a kitty was when I was a kid living at home.

Buttwiggle. She also gets so frisky that her tail gets all poofy and she runs a zillion miles per hour through the houses and then stops cold turkey for a nap.

04-06-2005, 07:12 PM
hah buttwiggles there are never enough of that?! as of now, I have four little kittens just as same as star's age and they went like bounce! then crawls backward with :confused: face on *sniffle..sniffle* attack! heh ohhh I MUST go home now!! waa waa

04-06-2005, 07:16 PM
Enjoy,that Kitten phase,while it lasts,as they are never Kittens,all that long.I think,that is why I adopterd Scrappy 2,as I wanted,one more time,A Lively Kitten,to watch grow,up.Here she is now,waiting,for Pork Chops!Star,is a Doll,and The Meezers all MMMIIIIIIAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOW For HER!

Prairie Purrs
04-06-2005, 09:59 PM
I love the kitten butt wiggle! There's also the kitten exception to the law of gravity when they pop straight up into the air. :D

04-07-2005, 12:24 AM
star IS a tiny lion!!!(at heart at least,lol)...cat's are such wonderful creatures, they just give and give, and i am very glad that she brightens your day as you do her's..:) :) :)

smokey the elder
04-07-2005, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by CatsinDenver
I love the kitten butt wiggle! There's also the kitten exception to the law of gravity when they pop straight up into the air. :D

At my place that's called being a pop-up toy!

04-07-2005, 09:30 AM
Awww... I love those butt wiggles. They never fail to make me laugh too. Amazing how much they change your whole life while being so small.

04-07-2005, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by Palomino21
I can imagine. I love her more every day. The last time I had a kitty was when I was a kid living at home.

Buttwiggle. She also gets so frisky that her tail gets all poofy and she runs a zillion miles per hour through the houses and then stops cold turkey for a nap.

Mine do the same thing! I know when I see Grey Girl do that butt wiggle, I'm in for a few more scars but it's worth it to hear her purr. Give Star a kissie on the nose for me, please! :D