View Full Version : "Sibling" similarities?

PJ's Mom
04-06-2005, 01:06 PM
Peej and Bailey have been living together for around 3 years now, but it seems neither of them have picked up any habits from the other.

For example, this is how my dogs act in certain situations.

If I yell "squirrel!"

Peej: Run outside and track down the squirrel.
Bailey: Jump on me and bark. :rolleyes:

If I say, "Who wants to go in the car?"

Peej: Run to the garage door and wag
Bailey: Jump on me and bark. :rolleyes:

If I jiggle the keys to tell them it's time to check the mail.

Peej: Run to the cabinet where the leashes are kept and wait for me to get them.
Bailey: Jump on me and bark. :rolleyes:

(are you seeing a pattern here?) :D

And the best one...

If I point to something...anything...:

Peej: will look at what I'm pointing at.
Bailey: will look at my finger.


I expected the behavior of one of them to rub off on the other, but it's just not happening. Have any of yours taught the other some new habits or behaviors?

04-06-2005, 01:10 PM
:D Gotta love em.

04-06-2005, 01:25 PM
lol! That story put a big grin on my face! :D

04-06-2005, 01:30 PM
Are you sure your aren't related to mine?
:D :D

04-06-2005, 01:35 PM
that's too funny...:p

PJ's Mom
04-06-2005, 01:35 PM
Are you sure your aren't related to mine? :D :D

Maybe so. Do you have the same situations at your house? :D

04-06-2005, 02:05 PM
So funny!! I only have the one but I think he has multiple personalities!!:)

04-06-2005, 02:07 PM
At my house-

Whistle the for the dog- the cat comes running.
Call out 'here kitty kitty kitty'- the dog comes running.


04-06-2005, 02:10 PM
Too Funny!!

Our dogs actually have picked up some habits from each other. Sadie and Spot have many of the same mannerisms…I’ll look over at them, and they are laying in the same position on opposite ends of the couch.

Sadie has always been a talkative dog. When she wants something she whines or “grunts”. Spot is starting to do this more and more, and even Cincy, the most independent of the three, is picking up on this a bit.

They do all act very similar when I say do you want to go (and what follows doesn’t matter). They all run circles to the door, through the dining room, and back to me in the living room until I make it to the back door. The same thing happens if I ask “what do you want?” (All three look at me very expectantly, and wait for me to follow to the kitchen, so Sadie can show everyone where the treats are) or “Are you hungry” (same drill, this time, Sadie points to the food dish, or stands by the food container).

04-06-2005, 02:13 PM
Out of the 5 I'm not sure any of them will look at or know what I'm talking about. Most just jump and bark - pretty hysterically.

The two things I'm sure they understand are BBITC (bye-bye in the car) and FOOD (they really know that one).

I know it's sad and not really their fault. I take total responsibility for it. I've tried to teach them, but I think it's hopeless.

The one thing we have taught them, when they are outside the fence - they come when called. And that's all that matters.

04-06-2005, 03:15 PM
Pepper is deaf so she just does everything Autumn does, trusting that Autumn is right. If Autumn is barking at the door for no reason, Pepper will bark because she thinks someone must be at the door. If I tell Autumn to sit in front of the table and there is no food on the table, Pepper will come sit by her and beg for whatever Autumn wants. If Autumn hides because I said the word "bath" Pepper will hide with her. Autumn picked up laying on the back of the chair from Sonny and drinking out of the fish tank on the lowest shelf.

04-06-2005, 03:55 PM
bubba barks at a sound he hears outside...woof woof woof at the front door...casey looks confused....why does a dog bark??? runs and jumps in my lap for protection...

04-06-2005, 04:00 PM
Tucker may look like Peej, but he acts like Bailey. :D

04-06-2005, 04:27 PM
that's too cute!

PJ's Mom
04-06-2005, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by caseysmom
bubba barks at a sound he hears outside...woof woof woof at the front door...casey looks confused....why does a dog bark??? runs and jumps in my lap for protection...


Bailey will jump in my lap and bury her head in my arm when we use office equipment. :D

04-06-2005, 04:42 PM
What a crack-up! That could become a great little story...you might consider writing a children's book showing these two pups dealing with life in their own unique ways...hey, big money in kids' books these days -- you have some fantastic subjects as the source for your material, and of course you could always use their photographs as the basis for illustrations.

Just go ahead and give me a small percentage of your millions in sales once you publish. I'll be waiting! ;)

PJ's Mom
04-06-2005, 04:50 PM
I'll even dedicate my first book to you. :D

04-06-2005, 06:38 PM
That is a cute story! My Lacey is 10 months older than Mandy and it seems Mandy learned everything she knows from Lacey, even the bad things! :D

Ginger's Mom
04-06-2005, 06:47 PM
Poor sweet Bailey :) I think that learning from each other only works with puppies. Bailey already had a method that worked for her, when in doubt jump on mommy and bark :). She didn't feel she needed to learn anything else. Put us on the mailing list when that book is ready to be shipped out :D

PJ's Mom
04-06-2005, 07:32 PM
You got it. :D