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View Full Version : BARKING kept me up all night!!! *vent*

04-06-2005, 07:24 AM
Before I begin, let me say that I do LOVE dogs . . . so no flaming please!

Our neighbor has a little dog . . . I'm not sure what it is, but it's medium sized & very cute.

Just one problem . . . It BARKS ALL NIGHT!!!

Not only does it bark, it barks right under our bedroom window, making it impossible to go to sleep.

It kept me up until 2 a.m. this morning, barking it's little head off. And then the only reason I went to sleep was because I came downstairs & turned on the TV & slept on the couch. By the time my hubby fell asleep upstairs, I was a nervous wreck! I still can't believe that HE finally fell asleep in the middle of all that barking! Must have slipped off during one of his 3 minute bark brakes. LOL

I know there is nothing I can do . . . I think he barks because he's scared . . . or at least he seems that way. I really wonder about his living conditions . . . he actually lives UNDER our neighbor's trailer. :rolleyes: along with a BUNCH of junk! We have a fence separating their trailer from our townhouse, but when I go get the mail, I get a full frontal view of their sty. :eek:

He looks healthy though . . . seems like he's eating . . . he's a fat little thing!

I feel sorry for the little dog, but when he keeps me up for 3 hours at night . . . well, he's just driving me nuts!!!

I know there's probably nothing I could do . . . I just needed to vent.

04-06-2005, 07:32 AM
Any way you could talk to them about taking him inside at night? I'm sure he's barking because he's bored and lonely!!!!! I'd holler, too, if someone locked ME out all night!

04-06-2005, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by Karen
Any way you could talk to them about taking him inside at night? I'm sure he's barking because he's bored and lonely!!!!! I'd holler, too, if someone locked ME out all night!

As far as I can tell, he's an outside dog. The closest I've ever seen him inside is when he goes "under" the trailer. :rolleyes:

The people are a whole other story . . . I'd prefer to not approach them, if you know what I mean.

And I *do* feel sorry for the little thing . . . and usually when my husband is fussing over not being able to sleep because of the barking, I'm taking the dog's side . . . but last night, it actually got to ME! He barked for 3 solid hours!

04-06-2005, 07:54 AM
Aren't they home to hear that? They have to need sleep too!

If you don't want to approach them, call the police. That barking is considered "disturbing the peace" and the police can go out and talk to them - tell them that if the dog isn't quieted then they will press charges, etc.

04-06-2005, 07:59 AM
I had this problem with a neighbor I tried talking yto them , thepolice tried to also. I finally started calling them Late at night or early morning and sticking the phone out the window. No words from me just the &^%$ dog barking ,only took 3 times be fore it was taking care of. Also since I had # block they don't know which neighbor it was.

04-06-2005, 08:13 AM
Poor little dog. :(

04-06-2005, 08:56 AM
I'd definitely call the police or animal control. After a few visits, hopefully they'll either take the dog in or find it a new home.

PJ's Mom
04-06-2005, 09:16 AM
I agree with Kimmy. There's no way anyone can tell you that you have to put up with that.

The little dog that lives behind us is left out alone for all hours of the night and is usually barking her head off too. Because she's right behind our bedroom, she used to keep us awake, so we bought a fan to put in there. We've gotten used to the white noise the fan produces, and it drowns out the dog, so it's all good. :D

04-06-2005, 10:20 AM
Animal control or the police will issue a ticket to the owners of this dog if they don't comply by putting a stop to the barking. I know this because my old dog Ripley got me a ticket once!
We lived in an apartment complex and Ripley had severe seperation anxiety! We tried everything with him. He was on Clomicalm for a while, no change....we tried a citronella collar, no luck! For years we had to bring him with us everywhere we went! And I mean everywhere!!! If we went to the store, he came with us and was left in the car with the heat/air conditioner on and the window cracked. (He was a small dog FYI)
Anyway, because of miscommunication between my sister, mother and I, he was home alone for a few hours one night and the neighbors called the police. They gave me a ticket with a $25 fine but we went to court and the judge told us we had one week to find him a new home!!!:eek: :( I burst into tears of course! Turned out the baliff and the court clerk were married to each other and member of a Shih-tzu rescue group so they took him in. He still lives there with their two other dogs and is doing great. They have a big house with no neighbors. :)
So, if you do call animal control, keep in mind that the neighbors may choose to get rid of the dog and may not be as lucky or as kind as my mother and I. Do you know the neighbors? Can you talk to them about the dog first? I would hate to see the dog brought to a shelter...

04-06-2005, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by jennifert9
So, if you do call animal control, keep in mind that the neighbors may choose to get rid of the dog and may not be as lucky or as kind as my mother and I. Do you know the neighbors? Can you talk to them about the dog first? I would hate to see the dog brought to a shelter...

I can't imagine that he would be any worse off. He's a cute dog but their lot looks like a pig sty, and like I said earlier, he stays UNDER the trailer. The underpinning is all torn away and it reminds me of someone that hides a bunch of crap under their bed . . . :rolleyes: . . . no, we don't know the neighbors personally.

I would also hate for him to go to the shelter . . . that is why I am so torn.

04-06-2005, 10:30 AM
Although, if he goes the the shelter he has a better chance at living a happy life rather than the one he lives now. Possibly if you speak with the owners, they'd allow you to take him and then maybe foster him (even in a bathroom or spare room?) until you're able to find a safe place for him. Or even if he does end up at a shelter you can offer to foster him until he's adopted through the shelter.

Of course, it may not be possible for you, but just throwing out some ideas.

04-06-2005, 10:40 AM
There's no way we can foster right now. There's just no room.

04-06-2005, 10:41 AM
Finding the dog a new home would be great! I always worry about dogs that go to the shelter for behavioral problems as this seems to be....because the problems don't always go away with new owners and then the dog becomes a "revolving door" dog, in and out of homes.

Perhaps this particular dog's problem is just that he is left outside and neglected by his owners and will flourish in a new home....that would be wonderful!

Perhaps a nice letter to the neighbors?

Laura's Babies
04-06-2005, 10:51 AM
Grrrrrr! Some people have NO busniss having pets! They expect the world to deal with their lack of concern about them and all of us know that those people KNOW that dogs barking is bothering people.

04-06-2005, 12:55 PM
:( Poor dog. He would be better off at a shelter then the place
you've described. This problem this dog has is bad owners. :(

Luvin Labs
04-06-2005, 04:56 PM
Is there a way you can use the dogs barking to help you sleep? Deep breaths and start counting each bark perhaps?

I feel for you, and I feel especially bad for the doggie. I'd definitely call animal control, at least he'll be put in a home that won't keep him outside (and alone) :(

Not only does it bark, it barks right under our bedroom window, making it impossible to go to sleep.

If he's right under your bedroom window, he's probably barking "HELP ME HELP ME". I know you said your bedroom is on the second floor, but some houses around here the 'second floor' the window is a couple feet off the ground (i.e. 'first floor' is under ground)... is that how yours is?

Is he looking at any particular spot when he's barking? Wonder how his 'owners' handle the barking... hmm

04-06-2005, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by Luvin Labs
Is there a way you can use the dogs barking to help you sleep? Deep breaths and start counting each bark perhaps?

I feel for you, and I feel especially bad for the doggie. I'd definitely call animal control, at least he'll be put in a home that won't keep him outside (and alone) :(

If he's right under your bedroom window, he's probably barking "HELP ME HELP ME". I know you said your bedroom is on the second floor, but some houses around here the 'second floor' the window is a couple feet off the ground (i.e. 'first floor' is under ground)... is that how yours is?

Is he looking at any particular spot when he's barking? Wonder how his 'owners' handle the barking... hmm

If there was any pattern to his bark, maybe I could use it to lull me to sleep . . . :rolleyes:

Our townhouse is two stories, with a basement, so the second story is exactly how it sounds.

He likes to sit out front in the middle of the road (about 20 feet from the front of our townhouse) and bark down the road. I don't think he's barking at anything in particular. Just lonely & bored.

We'll see how tonight goes . . . I'm hoping it will rain so he'll stay under the trailer tonight. I need to sleep! :eek:

Luvin Labs
04-06-2005, 09:06 PM
don't knock it, :P

i do that with snoring (yeah i know different than barking but, hey, you never know)


04-06-2005, 09:08 PM
I would call someone about his lack of shelter. At least where I live 'under a trailer' is not proper shelter. I agree with some of the others about calling, he has no life where he is,and would be better off in a shelter with a chance for a new home.

04-06-2005, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Luvin Labs
don't knock it, :P

i do that with snoring (yeah i know different than barking but, hey, you never know)


I'm not knocking anything . . . I'm just frustrated. I understand what you're saying . . . I sleep better with my husband snoring away, but this dog's high pitched bark is something that I just can't tune out or get used to.