View Full Version : poll site, please help!

09-08-2001, 12:21 AM
there is a poll site i love going to. however there are two problems. (well, there are probally more.) 1.) there are not that many about pets! and 2.) there are some disgusting polls. i figure we can combat both by adding some tastefull polls. perhaps even some interesting ones.

will anyone help me?

at least check out the site. www.misterpoll.com (http://www.misterpoll.com)
i find it to be quite fun. then again i love polls and belong to two mail survy groups and one online quick survey group. (obsessed? ...naw)

4 feline house
09-08-2001, 12:52 AM
I love polls, too. I could not quite figure out how to post your own, though. Maybe I'll play with it later when it's not so late!

09-08-2001, 01:31 AM
lol!!! i had quite a heck of a time figuring it out when i went to post my fisrt one last night. i got the hang of it after a while. (they don't tell you, but after each question, you're ready to go. so, you make as many questions as you want then just go to the start page or whatever you want to do. there's nothing to click on. ...meanies. confusing us like that.) after months of going there i still don't know how to get to the message boards. i might actually look into the matter someday...lol!

glad to know i'm not the only one crazy about polls. (i love about's...hosted by vantagenet.com. still don't know if my poll is working, but they have a great system. well layed out for taking them.)

Thanks for looking at the site!!! hope you have fun w/ it when you have time to look into it deeper.

09-25-2001, 03:09 PM
Um...that site had a lot of sick polls. Who are these crazy people that would make a poll about God hating people and how you were spanked when you were a teen...gross!!

I hope your plan to revamp it with NORMAL polls works... :confused:

10-03-2001, 11:14 PM
i dunno, the spanking polls and lake travis polls are pretty overwhelming. and i'm defintly not as creative as i used to be. ...but if the rest of us give up, that's all that would be left. (and can you beleive it! people actually take the spanking polls!!!! where are the moderators?!)