View Full Version : Karina Cofusion

04-04-2005, 08:59 AM
Actaully,its been a year,since she started,to show,up,on the Porch,and huddle,with the Toms,for something,to eat.It was,in the summer,that she gave birth,and then,became An RB Angel.Sorry,to be confusing.And Now,I hope,that,I can help Scrappy Cat JR!


And Karina,the Cat,who deserved,but never received a Furr Ever Home! I really,got to love her,in the week,that she was,a guest,at The Found Cat Hotel.

04-04-2005, 09:03 AM
Gary, like me, it's hard to keep up with all your babies! But regardless of dates, every day is a good day to honor the memory of a loved RB baby!!!;)

Laura's Babies
04-04-2005, 09:56 AM
All any of us want is to be remembered when we are gone and I like that you remember them and still talk about them, inviting them to dinner out with you, and talk about them here.

Not a day goes by that I don't remember my RB babies. Wonderful Sambo, funny Penny, pretty Sunny boy, and beautiful sweet Chynna. I don't talk about them on here to much because it just still hurts like it just happened.

04-04-2005, 12:04 PM
They are stiil,a Part,of My Life,as they will always,be here in Spirit.as the body,amy die,but the Spirit,and your essence live ,on,to be reborn again.And I just wish,that Mr Scrappy,and Mr Fluffy,were here,to smooth Scrappys 2s acceptance,into the Found Cat Hotel,over!
