View Full Version : Finished wolf

04-03-2005, 09:57 PM
Meh, I'm sure no one cares about my art but anyway...I know I post too much of it lol..

Yume (pronouced u-may) means dream

Didn't spend a lot of time on this. I have exams and stuff so I don't have a lot of time to do anything good

04-03-2005, 09:59 PM
Frank the Impossible strikes again...
It's filllled with talent there Aud.
Keep it up! I know you said it wasn't one of your greatest, but guess what, I couldn't do that if my life depended on it. :cool:

04-03-2005, 10:02 PM
I think thats awesome! And I'm with Maria on this, I couldn't ever draw that good! And I love seeing your art, keep posting it :) !

04-03-2005, 10:03 PM
Wow, that looks great!! :D I'm going to need some hints on paws & legs... :\

Keep up the great work!! :D

04-03-2005, 10:08 PM
Thanks ^^

Devon, like I said, if you ever want help with anatomy or anything let me know. I'm not that great myself but maybe I can help a tad...

04-03-2005, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
Devon, like I said, if you ever want help with anatomy or anything let me know. I'm not that great myself but maybe I can help a tad...

oh wow, really? :D That would be great! I've recently been having trouble with the placement & shape of the legs (standing, sitting, running), and the shape and size of the paws....

by the way, I finally figured out the pen tool! :D yay ;)

04-04-2005, 10:33 AM
A big mighty GRRRRRRRR goes out to you talented people.

Laura's Babies
04-04-2005, 10:38 AM
Yea! Grrrrr! That is AWESOME! You could work as a graphic artist, darn That is GOOD! I am so IMPRESSED and you should be so PROUD of yourself. I hope you frame that and hang it on a wall somewhere.. Got any of cats? I would love to see if you do.. ANY of your work would be apperciates here.

04-04-2005, 12:04 PM
It's gorgeous Audrey. I love the face! :)

04-04-2005, 12:18 PM
Audrey, it is beautiful. You are very talented! I'm going to send a copy to my niece if that's OK with you...? She 10 and has loved wolves since she was little...dont' really know what started it all but I buy her everything wolf I can find!

04-04-2005, 01:54 PM
That is so beautiful! I love it. I would also like to commission you to do something similar with Flair. Turn him into a Peagasus with the moon and night background. I love this. You are way too talented!

04-04-2005, 02:33 PM
Good job, Audrey!!!! :)

Buddy Blaze Lover
04-04-2005, 03:38 PM
Wow, that's awesome!:D

04-05-2005, 01:39 PM
Thanks ^^

04-05-2005, 02:53 PM
If you call that picture "not good" you are seriously underestimating your talent...