View Full Version : A turtle question

04-02-2005, 03:18 PM
Hi everyone.
I have a question about turtles and their shells. Can the shells bleed? My turtle, Atticus has 3 red circles on his shell. I thought he was bleeding but when I gently touch them with a tissue, nothing comes off. Is this normal? Is he ok? And what can I do to help him? There's nothing in his tank he can go under or rub up against. He often pushes the heater off the side of the tank, could that harm him? I don't use harsh chemicals when I clean the tank. I clean it every other day. If any one can help me I would be extremely grateful! He's my first turtle, I just want him to be happy. Thanks so much.


04-02-2005, 03:38 PM
Turtle's shells are made of a hard material, like your fingernails. It would not bleed, just his fleshy parts can bleed.

He's a red-eared slider, right? How old? Could it be just a coloration change? I know when our turtle bumped her shell very hard, it just left a white mark, not red. She was a painted turtle, and had a very dark green shell.

Does your turtle have a place to climb up and sun himself and dry out when he wants to? This is important for shell-health, from what I remember ...

04-02-2005, 03:53 PM
Yes Atticus is a red-ear slider. I'm not sure how old he is. And yes he has a rock to bask on (though for the past 2 weeks he hasn't been doing that). A few weeks ago I noticed a red spot on his shell. LIke I said I thought it was blood. Today I noticed another one. I didn't notice it yesterday when I cleaned his tank. I didn't know their shells could change color. I'll try to take a pic of it and post it so you guys can see it. Thanks so much!


04-02-2005, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Turtle's shells are made of a hard material, like your fingernails. It would not bleed, just his fleshy parts can bleed.

Actually, that's wrong. Turtle shells CAN bleed. I've rescued many turtles who have had broken or even just chipped shells, but they're shell is almost always bleeding. My vet has a paste type stuff that he mends turtle shells with if the turtle can be saved. I have seen it so many times.

04-03-2005, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by KBlaix
Actually, that's wrong. Turtle shells CAN bleed. I've rescued many turtles who have had broken or even just chipped shells, but they're shell is almost always bleeding. My vet has a paste type stuff that he mends turtle shells with if the turtle can be saved. I have seen it so many times.

The shells themselves don't bleed though, thats from whats under 'em.

04-03-2005, 05:50 PM
When they bleed can you wipe the blood off to see where it's coming from? Does it wash away cause these spots aren't changing or going away. And I am very curious as to how he could have hurt his shell cause I handle him with such care. And like I said, there's nothing in his tank that could hurt him.

04-03-2005, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Godzilla
The shells themselves don't bleed though, thats from whats under 'em.

No, the turtle shell itself can bleed. It's not JUST a hard material like finger nails, yes their shells are bone-like, but they do have a blood supply in their shell (and nerves too).

Originally posted by FireFightersFlame
When they bleed can you wipe the blood off to see where it's coming from? Does it wash away cause these spots aren't changing or going away. And I am very curious as to how he could have hurt his shell cause I handle him with such care. And like I said, there's nothing in his tank that could hurt him.

Hmmm? I don't know, I would imagine you should be able to whip the blood off. Does he appear to have any chips or cracks in his shell? I don't know too much about red-ear sliders specifically, as I have 3 sulcatas, which are land turtles. I don't visit This (http://www.petshub.com/forums/) forum too often, but you may want to check it out. They have a specific section for turtles and someone may be able to help you there.

04-03-2005, 09:40 PM
I don't know much about sliders but sounds like some sort of fungal or parasitic infection. I would look around on yahoo or go ask at a pet store or vet to see if anybody else has had this problem.