View Full Version : Grahhhhhhhhhh

04-01-2005, 08:05 PM
GRAGH! Our internet is cut off! But I don't know why...I need help!
We have 2 computers with internet. I'm on one...but I'm not really supposed to be, its my moms and she doesn't lilke me on it. The one in the basement is the one I go on, and last Friday, I was on it, and suddenly it quit. I have no idea WHY but it just did. My mom's is still on. "Mine" isn't. It hasn't ben since. GREHALKFJDLK It's driving me crazy. I tried to do a System Restore but it said none were available, even though I know there should be ...

Also I turned it completely off, power bar and all, unplugged the internet cords, turned the computer back on, turned it off again, plugged in everything and turned it back on but it still wouldn't work. I am sooo frustrated, I was VERY patient with it. Does anyone know anything to try?

My mom phoned the SaskTel people but they don't know we have two computers hooked up and my mom isn't sure if she should tell them or not...they weren't really much help because they asked something about our system and my mom pretended someone was at the door...lol...but yeah. I know she definately does NOT want to tell them incase we aren't supposed to...I don't know...she may have to but vghfrlsktjfkgjfdlgk;fdj grrrrrrrr.

I'm so confused. I have no idea what else to try. I don't think its one of the cords because it just went off one morning but this one I'm on now didn't. :confused: :confused: :confused:

04-01-2005, 08:44 PM
Hmmm...mine does that a lot (we have like 4 comps hooked under one connection XD) My dad usually fixes it (no idea what he does) if I can't do it myself. I usually reset or unplug the cable and hope it works...which you already did..sorry, I'm no help :(I guess you could try a ping test, but I don't remember right off how to do that lol

04-01-2005, 08:56 PM
I don't even know what a ping test is. :p But thanks for trying to be a help anyway Frank.

Laura's Babies
04-02-2005, 10:09 AM
I don't think it matters how many computers you have hooked up to one service... Especially in todays world with all the wireless connections so I would tell them I have more than one..

It sounds to me like you have a problem with in the computers themselves, possiably a virus or something. Can you just do a full recovery on them both with the CD's that came with them.. That is what I do when all else fails. You would loose everything. pictures, data you have saved but it would get you back up and running again. Have someone do that if you are afraid to do it yourself. First time I did it I was scared to death but it is easy to do and IT does all the work, all you do is sit there and watch it do it's thing...