View Full Version : Argh..I'm worried about Tigger...Again!

04-01-2005, 03:47 PM
:( My poor boy...

Tigger has turned into a very frightened boy!

Ever since Emma's constant smacking, chasing..etc, he's been so scared and skitish(sp).

Today I was trying to give him some temptations, I walked towards him and he bolted away and went behind the couch!! I seriously thought something was wrong with him.

Then he was sitting on the step by the door, and we thought he wanted out, my mom went to let him out, again bolted away from us.

I finally caught him and carried him to the coffee table to show him that all I was doing was giving him TREATS, I wasn't trying to kill him :rolleyes:.

He then ate the treats and sat on the coffee table looking at me, I went to pet him and he hunched down like he was scared :(

He was really starting to come out of his shell, and now he's worse than ever!

Does anyone know why he's doing this? Or what I can do?


04-01-2005, 04:27 PM
I dont understand,that at all,as Tigger,looks like a Cat,taht would not be afraid,of anything,in the world!Some Cats,I think,are timid,and maybe Tigger,is one,of them.The Princess,is shy,and it has taken,a long time,befotre I could approach her,without her runnung away,

04-01-2005, 05:59 PM
Well Tigger hasn't always been this way, it just started :(

Laura's Babies
04-01-2005, 07:21 PM
Poor baby, sounds like he has been tramatized BAD!

04-01-2005, 11:28 PM
I don't know what to tell you about Tigger, as I am having the same problem with my little Poppy. There are times when we come home and Poppy will bolt behind the chair in the living room.
For weeks he was so skittish and I still don't know why, as, like Tigger, he wasn't like this before. When he is like this, I talk to him quietly and tell him it's okay, it's just mommy. The past few days he seemed to be doing better, but today when I got home he was in the kitchen on the table looking out the window and when I was coming up the hall, he jumped off the table and bolted into the bedroom. I spoke as I was coming up the hall, but he still got scared for some reason.

I hope and pray that this is just a phase that they are going through and that Tigger and Poppy will settle down eventually.

I hate it when Poppy does this and it makes me feel sad. I'm sure you must feel the same way with Tigger.

PJ's Mom
04-02-2005, 12:03 AM
Awww. Poor Tigger. :( Hopefully this will be short lived and he can get back to being a happy kitty. :)

04-02-2005, 08:10 AM
I think cats go through phases and it's impossible to figure out why they do what they do. Rosco acts like we have beat that boy boy! He bolts when we walk into a room, especially hubby. He acts like he is going to get hurt too, but he has never even been yelled at.
Maggie Sue reacts the same way but she has been yelled at!;)
I would give him some time and see if he comes out of it. Just keep reassuring him and hopefully this will pass.

04-02-2005, 08:26 AM
Thanks everyone :)

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who knows how awful this feels!

I'm hoping that this is a *short* phase!

Last night Tigger was sitting in the kitchen, and I walked over to him and quietly reached down to pick him up, then I held him and loved on him a bit.

A while after he got angry with me and started smacking at me, because he wanted to go outside, He should know that I would never let him outside after midnight :rolleyes:

Maybe it was just his mood?

He is such a complicated kitty :p :D

04-02-2005, 09:12 AM
awww Robyn - Tigger IS complicated isn't he? Plus, you are an especially observant Meowmie for your kitties and notice all of these things. I really think it is a phase and if you stay relaxed, he will get over it. Emma coming to live with you was pretty traumatic I think. These big orange lugs would appear to be so tough that nothing bothers them - but I know that Dylan is also VERY sensitive and seems to get his feelings hurt. If something is wrong, he hides. Please just try to keep staying calm and loving on him when you can. ((((Robyn))))