View Full Version : New kitty name poll!

Samantha Puppy
04-01-2005, 10:31 AM
As some of you have read, if we can get a transport together from Michigan to Maryland, I will be taking moosmom's Sophie. I love the name Sophie, but combined with Samantha and Sushi I think there could be problems! ;) (That's one reason we didn't name Kirin "Sake"!)

In keeping with the Japanese names for our cats tradition, I've found the following so far that I really like. First is listed the actual Japanese name and in parenthesis is what I'd actually call her).

Kohana (Hana) - little flower
Tori - bird
Amaya (Maya) - night rain
Emi - blessed beauty
Kasumi (Kasi) - mist

I am also open to any suggestions!!