View Full Version : daisyluvr and anyone else

04-01-2005, 10:01 AM
heres their album, it shows their cage as well, tell me what u think.. should i add a second story to it? with more food an water, like a second apartment for when one wants to get away..


04-01-2005, 10:27 AM
I don't know what to say to help, as Miss Hoppy has a two-level cage, but is rarely in it, she's a house rabbit, is litterbox trained and hops all around the house! (Except the office, which has way to many cable to ever be bunny safe.)

04-01-2005, 10:29 AM
they r litter trained too, but roby loves to chew on EVERYTHIng, lol

04-05-2005, 09:13 AM
Those are great pictures and your boys sure are adorable.
That is a nice large cage you built them and you should be proud of yourself....that's absolutely great, one of the best pens I've seen in a long time! I think adding a second floor is going to be a 50-50 gamble. On one hand, they are young enough to be adventurous and one or both may decide to use the 2nd floor; I suppose they might even have to work out which bunny gets the second floor if they decide not to share it. Plus rabbits like to be up high (with the exception of being held of course) because they get a good view of their world. I think it would be worth it to add the 2nd floor.

My concern would be what will you use for a ramp? Not the panel grids!!!! The ramp will need to carpeted or have cross pieces of wood on it so the buns can get a grip as they run up and down the ramp.

Also I hope you realize that the 2nd story floor is going to have to be made of something solid.......you can use the panels as the floor base but you'll need a piece of thin wood or carpeting to protect their feet from slipping between the grids. There have been stories of bunnies breaking their legs or their backs by having the foot slip between the metal cross pieces and that they panic when trying to extract their foot......in fact one bunny I know was paralyzed after such an incident (This goes for the top of all wire cages too).

An alternative would be to go to Bunnyluv.com and buy one of their cardboard castles.....it has 3 levels and they last a long time, plus it gives the buns something else to chew on....it took Daisy 2 yrs of "renovations" before his castle had to be taken down to 2 levels.

Hope this email helps. Good luck with adding the second story.

04-05-2005, 01:02 PM
hers it now, dont need ramp, its low enough for them to jump up,theyve both been up there. i got food and water on both levels. http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5da23b3127cce90af9288d2c300000016108AZNW7hmzbt- http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5da23b3127cce90af92e9539200000016108AZNW7hmzbt- http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5da23b3127cce90af928553fe00000016108AZNW7hmzbt-

04-05-2005, 01:04 PM
Wow! That's an impressive set-up! Lucky bunnies! And I bet it keeps them safe from Brookie, too - if she's crawling yet ...

04-06-2005, 11:02 AM
That looks fantastic! You've thought of everything! My guys are going to be so jealous. I have the dubes, I just haven't had the time to do anything with them....perhaps I can make time this weekend, you have inspired me. :p