View Full Version : So mad/angry/upset!!! *vent*

03-31-2005, 01:15 AM
I never really complain about much. I am usually happy and peaceful. I just cant let this one go, and I need advice.

Here goes:
On Monday, the 28th, I went to a vets office to apply for a vet assistant job. I went in, filled out the paperwork, gave my resume, and even took a knowledge of animals test (which I passed every question). I am completely qualified to work as a vet assistant, I did it for along time at another vet office.
Well, they looked over my application,test,resume. And took me back to speak with me about the job. They acted all happy about it, told me I had the job if I wanted it, told me their pay, showed me 2 schedules to pick from, showed me around, their policies, all of that. So they tell me that they want me to start the next morning, and to be by the phone at 7:45 to be ready to work.
I went out, bought all new scrubs, new shoes, the works. And they said the only thing left to do was to call my reference at the other vets. I told them upfront that I was NOT going to get a good reference. Me and my ex bit** of a boss are not on good terms at all. ( she wanted to be best friends, I didnt. She lied alot and was manipulative and was mean to animals when the owners left. She actually phsically hit one of her former employees, and the cops came and charged her with assualt. She did not want to pay my medical bills when I got my hand bit through completely, and had to have 3 months of physical therapy to regain feeling in my hand. But most of all she is a terrible person with a heart of stone) BUT the vet and his main assistant knows my ex boss, and expressed that they know about her ways, and about her being a liar, not to worry, they just needed to comfirm my work with them, so that I could be authorized to give shots, and to work alone with animals. SO this is where it gets BAD.
I waited the next morning *Tuesday* and they did not call me. I waited until around 9 and I called them. They said that they could not get ahold of my reference, because she was not accepting thier phone calls. They then said that they would get back to me ASAP, and if not call them at 12. I did, and the receptionist said hold on, let me ask Stacy(vet assistant) what I should do. She came back and said Stacy was busy, still no word from my ex vet. I left my husbands cell number because we are in the process of moving, and I couldnt wait around any longer to go to the electric company. 4 calls later- still being put off by the receptionist, with a promise of a return call before closing. It is now going on Thursday, still no call.
Do you think she is putting me off because I got a bad reference? Why wont she come to the phone? And what should I do now? keep calling? leave it alone? What could my ex vet have said to make them act this way? What is she lied about me?
Sorry for the long novel, I just need advice:( And support. Any ideas on what could have happened? Katie

03-31-2005, 01:27 AM
Well for a start you would have a case against both people. Your previous employer, and also this current one if a contract is not offered for signing. The fact that a job was offered verbally in this situation means that the job is yours. For it to not go through it would have to be under rather extenuating circumstances, which sounds unlikey given that you explained in detail about your previous employment. If there are other references on your resume, they are indeed in deep doo-doo, for they had ample oppurtunity to check these out. A carefully worded letter expressed delivered would be one option. You have to ask yourself though given there apparent lack of commitment and direction whether you want to work for these people. Hope it works out for you mate.:)

03-31-2005, 06:10 AM
I agree with Trev..not sure I would even want to work for/with someone so inconsiderate to not fullfill their promises..of course that is my BIGGEST pet peeve..if you say you are going to do something,then by George, do it!

What about going in person to see what's up tho just so you know for peace of mind..I would have to know..

03-31-2005, 08:23 AM
Oh boy I was there two months ago. I had the PERFECT job interview. They were agreeing to my salary requirements and all. They told me they'd have to contact my ex-boss (the man who harassed me daily for a year straight) after I told them it was not a good parting. All of the sudden they gave me an EMAIL telling me that they wanted an employee that was willing to come into the office 5 days a week instead of the 2-3 I offered. I emailed them back and said I'd be willing to do the 5 days in the office, but felt I'd be more productive away from the office for a few days a week (which is totally true because at home I get NO interruptions and distractions) and never heard back from them again. I KNOW my ex-jerk-boss spoke badly of me. I KNOW its illegal, but how to proove it?

Is it possible the ex-boss is not returning their calls and they can't do anyting about it? Did you say that you're still friends with other employees there? Could you have them call the new place and offer a referal for you? If its a vet giving the referal, that has to carry some weight, even if it wasn't the main vet.

03-31-2005, 08:41 AM

I would also question whether or not I'd want to work there. They offered you the job, that is a verbal contract. I'd go IN and talk to them and find out what's up. It's obvious they're not going to return your call. I'd INSIST that they talk to you and explain themselves.

That happened to me at law firm in CT years ago. I was offered a legal assistant's job, and went out and bought new clothes and everything. They called me the next day and re-negged on the offer with no explanation whatsoever. I had to return all the clothes (I couldn't afford them). I was furious and hurt all at the same time.

I know this may sound lame, but things happen for a reason. I'm sure there is something better out there waiting for you. There was for me!!



smokey the elder
03-31-2005, 09:42 AM
I think it's against the law to provide a negative reference. But if those people are like that, you probably don't want to work for them.

03-31-2005, 10:02 AM
I think it's against the law to provide a negative reference.

I think you're right, at least in NY. It's like the rule your mother always told you, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

If your ex-boss did berate you to this new place and your laws are the same as NY, you could have a libel case against her...Before you tell these new people to shove it, I would try to find out what was said to them, if anything by the nasty ex-boss, get it in writing if you can.

03-31-2005, 11:35 AM
Thank you all for the advice.
The thing that throws me off is that I gave 5 other references, all which would give me a pleasant reference. I told them they could call ALL of my former employers.
They also said that they would tell me what my ex boss said, because it was something I needed to know. They didnt:(
I just am so angry, because they PROMISED me the job. They even gave me the tax forms to fill out.
I wanted to go up their face to face, but I am so emotional about this, I just would get so upset, I would be scared I would cry or go balistic.
They said they cant contact my ex boss. WELL, then call my other references, and my personal references, and my previous co-workers. I gave them 8 names of people who worked their with me, that saw the dog bite incident, and how it was handled. They just dont seem to want to do that.
I think I might just give it up, they dont want to hire me, for unknown reasons, well then.. I dont want their job. I will keep trying until I find an honest job elsewhere.
*HUGS* Thank you all so much. Katie

03-31-2005, 12:10 PM
Sorry!!!! That really stinks and I'd be angry too.

Wish I had some great advice for you but I don't. Hang in there!

03-31-2005, 01:01 PM

I'm so sorry this happened to you. I know how disappointed you are. I wish there was something I could do to make it better. If it were me, I'd go in person. I'd take them a "thank you" note thanking them for the time and the interview and ask them when they want you to start. This wouldn't put them on the defensive. But you said you're real emotional right now and afraid you'd start crying (VERY understandable), so maybe you could do it in a couple of days.

Whatever their reasoning is, they're @$$holes.

Hang in there honey!:(

04-01-2005, 01:32 AM
Just a note for anyone in a similar situation. If you are going for a job, and your previous one was vacated, not on the best of terms. Get a friend to ring your previous employer for a reference and record the answer. This will help you establish if a bad reference was forthcoming or not.

If I can't give a glowing personal reference for someone, I simply say that he/she was a good employee and it's company policy to just confrim employment dates.

04-01-2005, 03:19 AM
Wow, great advice, Oggyflute. I'm hoping that in my job search, none of my previous employers or references are being negative about me, because they have absolutely no reason to, but in the future, if needed, I'd do what you advised.

KT-Luvs-Kitties - I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. If they're being such jerks right now, you don't need them. That just completely sucks that they basically gave you the job and now they're just putting you off. I can totally sympathize, b/c I've been going through a job search and not having much luck, when I know, if given the chance, I'd be a fabulous full-time IT employee for a lucky employer. I am only working part-time right now, and I desperately need something full-time in IT, just to get my career going/foot in the door somewhere. I keep running into the not-enough-experience factor, which is B.S. b/c I have more than enough experience with all the Operating Systems, programs & hardware required to be good in an entry- or mid-level help desk or technical support job. I hate the job search as a whole, and the fact that people can be as jerky as they were to you is just discouraging.

Don't get too down about it - something better will come along. My loved ones keep telling me this, so hopefully for you and for me, this will come true. Good luck!

04-01-2005, 08:50 AM
you could go to the new job, and ask whats up they really can't ignore you then. and if at all possible, you could get references from the people who took their animals to your ex vet, have them write out how good you were with the pets, etc...??

04-01-2005, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by moosmom

I know this may sound lame, but things happen for a reason. I'm sure there is something better out there waiting for you. There was for me!!



my mom was up for a very, very good position in a very, very nice-known hotel but about a week later they fired her for no reason. about 3 months after that, that hotel was robbed at gun point! my mom now works in real estate :)