View Full Version : Bozo the Bear & Bucky the Deer

Desert Arabian
03-30-2005, 07:04 PM
When my Dad and I were at the cabin during Easter weekend, I found these photos in an album in a dresser. They are pictures of Bozo and Bucky, taken back in the early 90's. I thought you'd like to see them, so I finally scanned them tonight, and here they are.

This is Bozo, a Black Bear. He was owned by our neighbors Duane and Edie. All I can remember about him is that he was the smelliest animal ever, I can't even tell you how putrid he smelled, and he LOVED to get licorice jelly beans and marshmellows for treats. He was eventually placed at the Minneapolis Zoo (I think that is where- it was some zoo in Minnesota).

Me feeding him a marshmellow on a stick:

This is Bucky a White-tail Deer. He showed up in Duane and Edies backyard one night (they used to feed deer; when it was legal), they called us and told my dad to bring me over for a suprise. He was totally tame, as you can see, he let me pet him, poke him, kiss him, hug him- he already had the neckties from someone else- we don't know if he was a pet and got loose or what.

Bucky eating corn; me resting my head on his neck
Eating an apple out of my hand; that's my dad on the left- lol
Bucky eating corn out of my hand and my dad's hand:
Tasting my hair and licking my forehead- that tickled A LOT:
Me giving him a kiss on the cheek:

I wish I remembered more details about them; I have a hard time recalling a lot of it, but my dad remembers all of it. I do remember that Bucky was never seen again after this; he showed up a few more times at Duane & Edie's feeder but he disappeared- :(

03-30-2005, 07:11 PM
Oh those pictures are precious! I love them. It's amazing how Bucky just hangs out with everyone. I would have those in a frame in a special place, they are fantastic photos and great memories for your family I'm sure. Thanks for scanning them and sharing them. I would never believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes! I hope Bucky lived out the rest of his life somewhere safe.

Desert Arabian
03-30-2005, 10:09 PM
Thanks! I do have a blow up of the last Bucky picture (me giving him a kiss), my grandma gave it to me a long time ago (framed nicely)- I just never knew were the original pictures were, well I found them finally!

Samantha Puppy
03-31-2005, 05:43 AM
That's so cool! I would give anything to spend some time with a bear - I'm bear crazy. I love watching documentaries on them, reading books on them, collecting figurines of them (Cherished Teddies), buying stuffed ones - I have a billion. I *love* bears. :)

The deer pictures are really cute too, but I'm jealous of the Bozo ones!

03-31-2005, 06:14 AM
Those are such precious pictures!! What a great find!!! :)