View Full Version : Bye bye Lulu!!!

03-30-2005, 12:38 AM
my poor sweet Lulu!!!!
I will explain the story.
Me and My best friend went to a Lord of The Rings marathon where they played all 3 movies in extended editions!! It was so cool! But it was so long, but lots of the time we were laughing so hard but anyway, after she dropped me off, I got home, (this was the next day) I came in the house with my friend and her dad and my mom says to me
"Guess what?!?" and I replied, "what?"

and my mother said to me that we were getting rid of Lulu and she was going THIS AFTERNOON!!!!!!! I was so shocked!!!! my mom never said she was thinking about getting rid of Lulu!!!!! she just annouced it to me when I got home from haveing the most fun time!!

I am so mad at my mom still for that because this happened a few weeks ago, and I haven't had anytime barely to go on the computer!!! So i had time to now so to let it all out, I new I could have people to talk about it on here!
It practically devistated me!! And my mom gave lulu away to some old coup[le that we barely even know!!!!That means I will almost never get to see her!!!
And my brothers didn't even care at all about it!!!
and when the lady came to pick her up, and when Lulu had to go, I just cried, and there Lulu went, gone...

The only reason we gave her away was because my mom didn't want so many dogs in the house! and now there are only 2 little doggies in the house.


That is one of the pictures that I have of Lulu.
Thank you for reading my story.

03-30-2005, 01:00 AM
Here is another picture of my sweetie!!!


03-30-2005, 05:59 AM
chyna, i hope lulu is happy in her new home, and you're feeling better about your moms' decision.

Suki Wingy
03-30-2005, 08:04 AM
I know what it feels like, I'm so sorry. Will you get to see her at all in her new home?

03-30-2005, 08:20 AM
I'm so sorry that you weren't consulted about this decision before it was made. I'm sure your parents picked a good home for Lulu! I hope you are able to remember her fondly, and not feel so sad about it, knowing that she is being taken care of.



03-30-2005, 01:20 PM
It is just that we barely even know these people so I will never get to see her! That is why it really sucks!:(
Thanx a lot for talking to me.

03-30-2005, 01:25 PM
My mom used to do that all the time, so I'm sorry. Its a horrible feeling.

I hope LuLu likes her new home. I'm sure she'll miss you.

03-30-2005, 01:26 PM
That was horrible of your mother to do :( I hope that she screened the people well and knew that Lulu would be in good hands.

If its any comfort, older people often make WONDERFUL companions to little doggies. The dogs are in pure heaven to have someone home all day.

03-30-2005, 01:29 PM
Excellent point Aly.. Lulu will probably end up being nicely spoiled and have her own special toys and little bed, and won't have to share all the loving and attention I'm sure she's getting :)

03-30-2005, 01:35 PM
well yes, that is one thing that makes me happy, my mom talked to the older couple and my mom kinda knows their daughter (thats who came to pick Lulu up) and she said they spoiled their dogs so it is a comfort.:D
Lulu was actually a dog my mom and I picked up off the streets because she was super skinny and bony! And she was pregnant!! I don't want to think of such cruel owners abandoning her! She had 3 cute little puppies the week after we took her in. and we gave them all away to good homes! and one of the homes was the old couples daughter. thats how my mom knows their daughter.
I'm sure Lulu is happy but I will definately miss her.

03-30-2005, 08:01 PM
I am so sorry that happened to you & Lulu...
What Promted this rash decision???
Seems extreme,when you are keeping 2 others...

Good Luck Dear Lulu!!!
I hope that you get to see her!!!

03-31-2005, 04:46 PM
Well, a Few months before, my mom had once talked about getting rid of one of the little dogs, (we only HAD 3) and so they said we can't have all 3 because Beethoven is old and he will carry on sooner or later, Lulu was picked up off the street, and Zoe, well she was suposed to be a pur bred
Shi tzu but my mom was fooled and Zoe is actually more of a Shi Tzu cross with Pekinese. so for some stupid reason, because my mom said that SHE could never give them enough attention, but I always play with them and give them a bunch of attention!!! and so did the rest of my family! But it's too late now to do anything, it just made me mad because my mom lied to me. :mad:

03-31-2005, 05:02 PM
:(:(:(:(:(:(:( ...... so sad.