View Full Version : Windows 95...yes I still have it!

03-29-2005, 07:33 PM
OK folks, here is something to laugh at...I am, at this very moment, using a computer that was built in 1995! It is barely operating right now...BUT I set it up over the weekend for the SOLE purpose of posting on Pet Talk from home rather than having to use the work computer or the one at the public library! AND, for an additional chuckle, I am using AOL(cover your eyes/ears!)...dial-up!
So I think that definitively answers the question, "Is Pet Talk addictive?" ; ) Y E S!

03-29-2005, 07:40 PM
LOL... when I visit my parents, they have a computer running 95 and Juno free dial-up! :D It takes me about an hour to turn the thing on and get it up and running, then another twenty minutes to log onto the internet. Its slower than Molasses.... but I do it to feed my addiction!

We're all PT junkies!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

03-29-2005, 07:41 PM
Windows 95...wow, must be something haah. Goodluck XD You definitly are dedicated to PT! Glad you'll be around though ^_^

03-29-2005, 07:43 PM
That is horrible! I've got my printer that I got in 1997. I only use it to print out worded documents, though. I hope you're able to update soon. I don't think I could be on one like that too long before tossing it across the room.

03-29-2005, 08:30 PM
LOL! I would "throw it across the room" if I could lift the sucker! It's gigantic and weighs at least 30 lbs!
I'm hoping to buy myself a new computer for my birthday but that is not until November!!! Unless I can convince the boyfriend that a new computer is more important than front brakes in his car!! ; ) Does anyone have any suggestions on what to get? I want a laptop but some people have told me that desktops are the way to go for the money...I guess at this point, beggars shouldn't be choosers huh and I should just be grateful...blah blah blah : )
At least I get to be on Pet Talk while I'm home. I can't view any posts with pics because that would take all night to load but I can participate a little....which is better than none! : )

03-29-2005, 08:39 PM
Funny, I just had to put to sleep my computer from 1995 and it was an upgrade to Windows 95. Anyone remember windows 3.1. Rest in peace my precious trooper of circuits and ancient technology.