View Full Version : Computer free

03-28-2005, 04:25 PM
I will be "computer free" for a few weeks while my laptop is in the shop. Seems a 15-pound bowling ball (also known as Halo) decided that the laptop case was a perfect landing strip when she jumped down from the dresser. :rolleyes:

Evidently laptop cases are not tested at the factory for this kind of thing. Think I can hire out Halo to be their tester? (Remember that old commercial where the gorilla threw the luggage around ?) :p

Yessirreee, I think it's time for Halo to start earning her keep. Especially if she's going to destroy computers!

So, I probably won't be around much for the next few weeks unless I run over to my sister's house. I'll have lots of catching up to do when I get back. I can't wait to find out if Jan is successful (we know she will be) catching Sheba *POOF* Puddypaws brother or sister.

See you in a few weeks.

Halo says ~ "Hey, if you didn't want me to land on it, why did you put it in my way?"

03-28-2005, 04:28 PM
I can't help but giggle at Halo.....but sniffle at you being AWOL.

You must visit a computer once in a while!!!

Hope the laptop gets finished fast!

03-28-2005, 05:05 PM
Halo - what did you do to meowmie's case? I think you shjould write to Dell/HP/IBM/Apple and let them know about this obvious flaw! :D

03-28-2005, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I can't help but giggle at Halo.....but sniffle at you being AWOL.

You must visit a computer once in a while!!!

Hope the laptop gets finished fast!

Jen ~ Since we're in Alaska, they usually have to ship out laptops for service to Seattle. I guess there aren't enough "techies" up here or something. Anyway, they are telling me THREE WEEKS! I will definitely drop in for a visit every few days, but it just won't be the same.

Halo's nickname is "Baby Grand" because we spent almost $1,000 in the first few weeks after she adopted us. (URI, UTI, allergies, asthma, etc.) I guess we'll have to change it to "Megga Bucks" or something. :p We always tease her that she's cost us more in 2.5 years than Kuhio did in 17! We wuv her so!

03-28-2005, 09:40 PM
A lot,of the Libraries,offer Free Computer Time,and I used that,for quite a while,or there my be an Internet Cafe,nearby.