View Full Version : An odd question, but...

03-28-2005, 09:52 AM
What are some signs to look for to tell if a cat is...in the family way?

Other than a round belly, that is. I'm thinking that Kahlua might possibly be. I keep feeling at her sides and every once in a while I think I feel something, but most of the time I don't. And her teats have gotten...perky. And, compared to Zelda, she's rather...busty. (If I rated them for kitty bras, Zelda would be a training bra and Kahlua a B cup.)

03-28-2005, 10:02 AM
Ravenous appetite, pinking-up of nipples, and hard belly. Has she ummm, been "exposed"? If so, then I'd say she is "in a family way".

03-28-2005, 11:15 AM
Appetite - Doesn't seem any different from Mowg's and Zelda's
Nipples - Pinking
Belly - Hard

Well, that pretty well blows my hopes that she was someone's loved and fixed pet that just happened to get lost. I guess next up I'd better start quizzing all the experts about how to prep for kittens, because I won't have the money for a spay for another couple of weeks, and by then it'd probably be too late to abort them.

How the heck did Kahlua know which apartment was home to a softie who wouldn't throw her little butt back out?

03-28-2005, 11:18 AM
I have,the same questions,about Scrappy 2,as she,may be,in the first stages,of having Kittens! She will be going,to the Vets,laterthis week,when the Animal Welgare,can get her a room.Lets pray,that neither,of Our Little Girls,has to carry more Kittens,that need a home.


03-28-2005, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Lacey
How the heck did Kahlua know which apartment was home to a softie who wouldn't throw her little butt back out?


ahem....better now. This is just a smart kitty - plus the invisable sign that is now on your door and a certain pheronome(?) put off by feline people who are of course different from non-feline people. (since we are speaking in delicate terms here)

Perky teats? <snort> B-Cup and "busty" <GUFFAW>

03-28-2005, 12:22 PM
LOL... poor Kahlua. I kinda thought she looked a little rounder than she should as a stray

03-28-2005, 12:33 PM
Sorry Lacey, sounds like the pitter patter of kitty feet is coming your way. :( Poor Kahlua. She certainly is a smart girl to come to you.

Are things getting any better with her and Mowgli?

03-28-2005, 01:03 PM
Always glad to amuse. :D Though if you can think of a better way to describe a cat's natural feminine assets, I'd love to hear it!

Things are still not good between all three. I've moved Kahlua to the bedroom so she's got a bit more room. And I've been feeding all three by the door so they've got to be around each other (even with a closed door in between), and no one wants to be buddies. The last time I had Kahlua out, things were peaceful for a bit, and I turned my back to go see how supper was coming along, next thing I knew, Mowg was diving through the blinds to hide behind the couch, Zelda was all puffed up in my bedroom, and Kahlua beat feet to the spare room because she saw me coming with the squirt bottle.