View Full Version : Would you call the police if a dog "killed" your ball?

Canis Amicus
03-27-2005, 08:41 AM
Yes, that happened to me last Thursday!
I took Rex to the park, and there were a group of four or five youngs (about 17yo), playing with a rugby ball. When the ball fell on the ground, one of the youngs kicked it to Rex, out of reach, he kicked a second time. Rex took the ball and came running to me.
The young man came after Rex complaining that the dog didn't want give his ball back. I said: "He will not give back, he will kill the ball" while I tried, unsucessfull, take the ball from Rex.
His answer: If he damages my ball, I'll kill him. Rex "killed" the ball. At that moment all the other youngs had gathered together with us, and they wanted 50 Swiss Francs for the ball, on the spot, which I did not have. They said the ball costs 75 SF.
They also insulted Rex with all names, which I took very personal (they did not insult me directly).
I refused to pay anything. They called the police, which came, and yes, I had to pay the 50 SF for the damage on the ball.
It is paid.
What about you, have you experienced something similar, at one or at the another side?

and Rex

03-27-2005, 09:02 AM
I am confused, if the boys purposley kicked the ball to
Rex wanting him to play. Than are they not at fault too?
After all, Rex thought the ball was a gift for him from
Chock that one up for memories.

Canis Amicus
03-27-2005, 09:20 AM
Yes, I think he tought Rex would kick the ball back to him... he didn't admit that, but I saw it. And against me is the fact that they were a group of men, I am a woman and even worse, a foreigner, they were all nationals... that makes a huge difference here.

Last year happened almost the same, even after I shoulted "no" a man threw a ball for Rex, which he killed on the spot, to my question why he did it, he said he tought that Rex wanted to play with him. Then he said: ok, he is only a dog.
and Rex

03-27-2005, 09:28 AM
Sounds like people are mistreating Rex and you, Rex is soooo handsome!
I would think people would not want to rough around or be confrontational around a strangers German Sheperd, i know a few who are VERY protective like the Rott, i dont think you should have had to pay, those kids provoked Rex and then said nasty things to the two of you, i would have told how the kids kicked it to my Dog and been very angry. Sorry you had to pay :(

03-27-2005, 06:22 PM
Sorry to hear about that. Rex is such a beautiful dog. Personally I would not have paid them anything, but I can understand your position.

Animal Lover12
03-27-2005, 06:26 PM
Okay, um thats not right** No, I technically wouldn't call the police or do anything about it but I would have...I donno...lets just not talk aebou this for too long or else....it's just kinda wrong.....................*shrivers* NAsty! lol

03-27-2005, 07:42 PM
FOR REAL?? OMG! If they kicked the ball to him, it's their own fault! What a group of weird o's!! I'm so sorry you had to pay for the ball.

Let's just hope that Rex taugh them a lesson about protecting their balls around a GSD!!:p :D :D

(sorry... I just had to say that!!) :D

Animal Lover12
03-28-2005, 07:28 AM
Exacally what he said

If they kicked the ball to him then he probably thought that they wanted him to play or wanted him to have it so I'm sorry you had to pay for the ball when it was THEIR FAULT! lol

I think Rex should totally go and show them a good leasson of..if you kick the ball to them then the dog takes it**lol

Canis Amicus
03-28-2005, 10:58 AM
Thank you all for your posts.
I paid only because the policeman said I had to, gave my name and address to the youngs, saying that if I didn't pay they could charge me through a kind of court for debitors. It is useless to discuss with them.

and Rex

Animal Lover12
03-28-2005, 11:03 AM
thats..i donno weird anyways i feel bad

03-28-2005, 11:20 AM
Sorry to hear about your experience.

Snowy, my dog, stole a ball from another dog once, eventhough she didn't "kill" the ball it was difficult to get the ball from her because she was off lead. I have just started training her to fetch her ball and bring it back to me so hopefully the same thing will not happen again. Perhaps you can do the same with Rex?

03-28-2005, 01:44 PM
If they intentionally kicked the ball to him then no I wouldn't pay anything. But if it was all my dogs fault then yes, I would pay without for it without a doubt.

03-28-2005, 02:26 PM
that's too bad... I can't believe they threatened you and Rex! did you tell that to the policeman? It's just a stupid ball... :(

I advise you to not allow Rex off-leash in public areas like that. It is too costly to you, and yes, some one might try to hurt him. Look for fenced-in parks allowing dogs, or open fields away from a lot of traffic and people. I have played with Gonzo on a dog-friendly soccer area, and when kids come to play soccer I just leave or play with him on-leash. It's kind of asking for trouble, IMHO.