View Full Version : What are you doing tonight (Saturday)?

03-26-2005, 03:28 PM
This might be a stupid thread lol but I was just curious about what everyone was doing today/tonight.....

I have been doing nothing all day but tonight I am going to this bar/club called Las Bananas because there is going to be a really good band there...not sure if anyone knows them..lol Los Angeles del Corazon. It should be fun!:D

03-26-2005, 03:30 PM
Touching up my hair, cleaning tanks and sitting around during the day. Then I'm working tonight from 5-11:30. Ick!

PJ's Mom
03-26-2005, 03:33 PM
Well, I have a choice between sitting around or sitting around. :(

Sometimes it sucks being married with kids. :D

03-26-2005, 03:58 PM
Well I just finished bathing all 5 dogs, they're all full of energy and I'm worn out.
I might go grocery shopping tonight if I feel up to it, I need to.:rolleyes:

03-26-2005, 04:22 PM
I'm going to be doing laundry and maybe watching a movie. And play with the boyz since I've been gone all day. :)

03-26-2005, 04:35 PM
Baking! Brown Sugar Bunnies and Tollhouse Cookies!

03-26-2005, 05:43 PM
Well, I have a choice between sitting around or sitting around. Sometimes it sucks being married with kids.
Me?? Same as you, sitting around or sitting around. Sometimes it sucks being single with very few friends. :rolleyes:

03-26-2005, 05:58 PM
I'm not sure. Just hanging out around the house, might do some homework or watch a movie. :p

03-26-2005, 06:17 PM
Going to the mall with my daughter and her boyfriend -- her boyfriend got his permit *today* and I get to be the first adult to let him drive! :eek:

03-26-2005, 08:05 PM
Nothing tonight, but today I went shopping and went out to dinner. It was fun, but like I said, nothing tonight.

03-26-2005, 08:24 PM
Well its been and gone well and truely here, now sunday afternoon, not much a happening here, just watched some DVDs, not feeling too great so had an early night.

03-26-2005, 08:25 PM
Tonight I'm bathing/grooming Tango, she's in desperate need of a grooming lol. Other than that I'm probably jsut going to watch a movie or something and browse PT.

PJ's Mom
03-26-2005, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by slick

Me?? Same as you, sitting around or sitting around. Sometimes it sucks being single with very few friends. :rolleyes:

Aww. You can come over here and sit around with us, slick. :D

03-26-2005, 09:07 PM
Went to a dog show today, and I'm going to bed early tonight! Ahhh, I love sleep!


03-26-2005, 09:45 PM
Saturday and Saturday night have been and gone. I went to a friends house last night for a BBQ and a few quiet drinks and we ended up just burning CDs all night *Fun*, i have not been feeling well the last few days so i went home pretty early.

Tonight if i feel up to it i am going out to play pool with friends :D.

03-26-2005, 09:45 PM
i made some portugese soup, ate that w/ oven warmed bread, we cleaned the kitchen, then went to petsmart for cat food. stopped at famous footwear, tried on several shoes, put them back, stopped at the grocery for milk for tomorrow and now home, crusing PT, w/ magic the cat, laying on my lt arm, purring away. i love my life:D :D

03-27-2005, 12:26 AM
Nothing exciting here. Ran errands during the day then helped my boyfriend clean his apartment. Took a nap and made a late dinner. Boyfriend fell asleep while we were watching SNL so now I'm trying to find stuff to do since I'm not tired at all.