View Full Version : Does your cat do this?

03-25-2005, 09:58 AM
There are plenty of water bowls around for Doogie. He sometimes will have nothing to do with them, however. I just wish I 'd have had my camera! He goes into the bathroom sometimes but I've never gone in there to see what he was doing. Well, today I investigated and saw him sitting on the toilet just like a person would. Turns out this is his water supply sometimes. I can't describe the look on his face. It was priceless. I tried to recreate the scene but he would have nothing of it. I'm going to start keeping my camera with me at all times so the next time I can be ready. It was so funny!

03-25-2005, 10:10 AM
Yes,the Found Cats doo like the Poecelain Water Dispenser,as the water,is always cold,and fresh!

03-25-2005, 10:11 AM
Yes, ALL my kitties are toilet drinkers. I try to keep the bowl as clean as possible bcause of it. Nicki's also a toilet drinker. Yuck is all I can say!

There are times I walk into the bathroom with two kitties on the seat! I know at that point to head back downstairs and check their own water supply... whch is usually low, or *GASP* out of ice! Goodness knows, their own supply NEEDS ice! Hubby created monsters the day he decided they'd enjoy ice in their water. They won't drink it otherwise... but then it makes me wonder WHY toilet water would be preferred over non-iced cat dish water. :confused:

03-25-2005, 10:13 AM
My aren't toilet drinkers because we keep the lids down but that is because we've had too many midnight dips and splashes by the kittens if they aren't down. They all use the toilet as a step on up to the sink.

03-25-2005, 10:28 AM
My cat used to drink from the "fountain of youth". However, she has gotten a habit now of drinking my bath water!:eek: She sits beside me on the rim of the bathtub and leans down to drink the water! I have to wait to add soap until she is finished drinking! Then if the water isn't high enough she will grab my wet hair and suck on it!
Now, I have fill the bathtub up just enough for her to jump in without getting wet. She insists on drinking the water from the bathtub this way if I am NOT in the bathtub.
She also will NOT drink water unless it is added directly on top of her food!:rolleyes: :confused: She won't eat the food but drinks the water instead. Then I have to add new dry food to it because she won't eat the wet food!:rolleyes: It drives me insane!:o I must go through twice as much food this way. Often I will just let the dogs eat what she doesn't and then add more to her dish.
My kitty is a little spoiled or I am? No wonder her name is Ms. Thang!!!

03-25-2005, 10:32 AM
All of my cats and dogs drink from the toilets. It's a wonder that there is any water left in them.;)

03-25-2005, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by jazzcat
My aren't toilet drinkers because we keep the lids down but that is because we've had too many midnight dips and splashes by the kittens if they aren't down. They all use the toilet as a step on up to the sink.

We never had toilet drinkers until Pepper adopted us. She's trained us to always put the lid down because drinking out of the toilet is just GROSS!

Kuhio wasn't a toilet drinker but she used to drink the soapy bathwater and runoff from when we washed the car. She never got sick.

Samantha Puppy
03-25-2005, 10:52 AM
Pepper, if it makes you feel any better, your boyfriend is a toilet drinker too. :eek:

03-25-2005, 11:23 AM

Neither of mine are toilet drinkers!

03-25-2005, 11:25 AM
I have posted this before, and I am NOT a party pooper...but, there have been MANY instances of cats/kittens drowing in toilets. They go to drink, fall, and because of the way the toilet is shaped, with VERY slippery porcelin walls, they can't get back out.

I just don't think it is worth it, safety wise, to let cats/kittens drink from the bowls. AND, depending on the germs or disinfectants one uses to clean the bowl...well, it just doesn't seem healthy.

03-25-2005, 11:31 AM
Mowgli would be a toilet drinker if I'd let him. But once he started waking me up in the middle of the night with wet paws (and I realized WHY they were wet) all toilet lids went down!

He will also lick water droplets off the shower wall while I'm taking a shower. Or, if I'm taking a bath, he'll hop onto the rim of the tub, dip his paw in, and then give it a good shake (splattering my face in the process - makes reading in the tub a tad difficult), and then lick the water off his paw.

He's such a stinker!

03-25-2005, 11:34 AM
Mine aren't toilet drinkers because I keep the seats down. If my roommate forgets and leaves hers up, Sunny has been known to play in the toilet. He also plays in the water dishes so I keep them in clean litter boxes. Sunny has also been known to try to drink the water residue in the kitchen sink.:eek: I also think it's best to keep the toilet seats down.

03-25-2005, 12:05 PM
We always keep the seats down even before we had cats. I would like to get a drinking fountain for them. It recirculates the water and they are both big, big water drinkers, thank goodness, since cats are prone to get the bladder infection and failed kidneys.

I have water dishes in the bathroom but I catch the little one getting into the kitchen sink and drinking out of the dishes with water in them.


03-25-2005, 12:41 PM
We keep the seats down, also, so no toilet tipplers here.

We do, however, have a gallon pail of water in the tub in the hall bath - just in case there is a power failure and we need to flush. Living in the country, we have a well - so no power, no water. The cats love to get in the tub and drink from the pail. This technique has been passed down from cat to cat for the past 10 years.

03-25-2005, 12:46 PM
My bathroon is usually a cat free zone, but years ago my RB wonderful cat Cecil used to pee in the toilet! :eek: I would catch him squating on the edge every so often, and it cracked me up. Never learned to flush though. :rolleyes: :D I bought one of those foolish 'train your cat to use the toilet' gizmos, and that was an instant failure. :rolleyes: It was a clear plastic form that was placed between the seats, and you sprinkle 'magic cat attractants' into the form. I found out the hard and soggy cat way, what the stuff sprinkled in was....catnip! :rolleyes: It was cracked within an hour, and though I should have sent it back, I pitched it.

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-25-2005, 12:48 PM
I have no idea if my cats would drink from the toilets, because I also always keep the lid down! To me this sounds really gross, so I don't want to give them the occasion :D . They are not allowed in their either, unless mommy is siiting on the toilet, covering it with herB*** ;) :D :D

03-25-2005, 01:04 PM
umm my cat is odd
he used to drink from a replenishing water bowl. But recently he has been turning his nose up at it. I dont understand is it the water?is it the wrong temperature ? i dont know ...all i do know is now hes taken to scaring the poop out of the goldfish. its kinda funny but at the same time wierd. i cant see anything wrong with letting him drink from there except that the fish are scared. (they get over it ). i think its cute


03-25-2005, 01:39 PM
different species, same problem :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

my dalmatian Frankie is, for whatever reason, *Terrified* of the doggie drinking dish in the kitchen. So he waits for someone to accidently leave the bathroom door open and drinks from the toilet, or he'll wait until he gets outside and drinks from puddles, etc. :rolleyes:

03-25-2005, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Samantha Puppy
Pepper, if it makes you feel any better, your boyfriend is a toilet drinker too. :eek:

Oh Kirin! I'm so glad you share my love of toilet drinking. We seem to have so much in common, we really must meet some day. Your place, or mine? :D

Do you share my other disgusting habit? I have been known to PEE in the kitchen sink. I don't know what all the fuss is about. For some reason the hoomans seem to think that I should drink from the sink and pee in the toilet. How boring is that? D


03-25-2005, 03:11 PM
:confused: The toilet????? Doogie used to love taking a "sippy" from the bathroom sink faucet after my shower, but NEVER the toilet!! :eek:

Oh Doogie! What's happened to you???? :confused:

Desert Arabian
03-25-2005, 03:28 PM
Nope, Dudley and Sammy do not drink out of the toilet, thank goodness!

03-25-2005, 03:37 PM
We got Sandy when she was 3 weeks old, and I was her mommy ever since. I use the sink as a water fountin and she has always copied me. I now have a proper water fountain for them because of Freddy destoying the bathroom garbage cans. It keeps the water cold and filtered.


03-25-2005, 09:02 PM
Our dog never drank from the toilet, but when Pixel arrived - I caught him doing it. so now we try and keep the lids down at all times.

I do give him water in a little bowl, but I've NEVER seen him drink from them! Though sometimes the water level goes down, so he must - sometimes.

I have also seen him drink from Fizz's big Water bowl - which is heavy ceramic, like a big flowerpot.

I think they like the toilet and the 'ceramic's' because the outside of these bowls 'sweat' , just like your toilet tank sweats - and the evaporation keeps the water cool.

After I saw him drink from the toilet, which was at night - I started leaving just a tiny bit of water in the sink at night, after a brush my teeth. It's usually drained thru the plug by morning, but he likes to drink from the big porcelain sink bowl, or play in the water.

Since he's an indoor/ outdoor kitty - it's a good way to get his feet clean, too.

the first time I plugged the sink, he drank, played in the water a bit, then he curled around and LAID in the sink bowl! He was so cute, I went to get my camera - but of course, he couldn't stay put! LOL


03-25-2005, 09:31 PM
Our cats prefer the dog bowl in the kitchen or their own little personal bowl in the bathroom (which is what we used to discourage them from drinking out of the toilet). It is a very rare occasion where we will leave the lid up in our bathroom because all of our "stuff" is stored in a cabinet above and never fails you will knock something into the toilet bowl if you don't lower the lid! LOL!!!

03-25-2005, 09:49 PM
Ha Ha!! What a funny boy!

No, we keep our toilet lids down cause I'm terrified that something will happen when I'm not home. I'm sort of a worry wart. ;)

Pee Pee has jumped IN the toilet and two occasions where David was using the potty. Hense her name. ;) :eek:

03-25-2005, 10:11 PM
we keep the lid down, so no toilet drinkers here. They do however like to drink out of the fishtank.

03-25-2005, 11:14 PM
How cute, what a priceless pic that would make, none of mine are toilet drinkers to my knowledge, perhaps they just have not been caught in the act, but I doubt it somehow, they prefer puddles outside when they can find them, even though they have lovely fresh clean water inside bowls and outside, thats kitties for ya.:) :D

03-26-2005, 12:19 AM
lol...this thread is too funny...no Zip nor Shy are toilet drinkers..(they are faucet drinkers from bathtub)...but Zip loves to watch when i flush..lol..she hops up on her two front paws and watches it go down and then she leaves...:D :D

03-26-2005, 12:38 AM
I heard of a cat that drowned in the toilet when the owner was gone. She said the vet told her it commited suicide. That some cats are known to kill themselves. :rolleyes: