View Full Version : How much does your full grown cat weigh?

03-25-2005, 01:48 AM
I have a full grown cat that weighs only 5 pounds. She's like a minature cat. LOL So cute. My other cat is almost 15 pounds but they get along fine. The tiny one holds her own and sometimes attacks the big one when they are playing. Makes the big one meow.

03-25-2005, 02:48 AM
My two have just had their weigh in at the vets for their annual check up, Lexie weighs 3.6 kilos (7.9 pounds, she is small in stature so should be a little less really,) and Ash is 6.7 kilos(about 14 pounds, but he carry's it well, rather big cat in general, the vet used to call him a big muscular kitty, but the muscular side has given away to being a bit on the tubby side but exactly the same weight as last year.:)

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-25-2005, 03:30 AM
Maya is the heaviest cat here: somewhere between 12 and 13 pounds. Inka is a light-weight: 8 pounds :)

ps. If someone needs a convertion table, here it is (thanks Randi!!):

03-25-2005, 06:46 AM
Neko is 12 pounds
Cookie is 9 pounds
Pumpkin is 8 pounds
Tama is 6 pounds:)

03-25-2005, 06:51 AM
Mimi weighs between 5 and 6 pounds at any given time. Always has for her whole 15+ year life.

Butter weighs 12.2 pounds as of Tuesday of this week. That's about normal for him, too. :)

03-25-2005, 07:23 AM
Allen is a monster at 20 pounds
Pouncer is 13 pounds
Baby Harry already is 13 pounds
Baby Abby is 6 pounds

03-25-2005, 07:48 AM
Doogie is 19 pounds.

03-25-2005, 08:10 AM
My cats, Sassy and Missy, both weigh in at about 12 lbs. :)

Toby's my baby
03-25-2005, 08:27 AM
Mittens is around 14-16 pounds

Cassie is about 9 pounds

C.P. is about 6 pounds

03-25-2005, 09:05 AM
Tigris 13 lb
Filou 7,5 lb:)

Same weight for 8 years now:)

03-25-2005, 09:34 AM
Bear was 7 lbs,but she lost weight:(

my aunts cat Jasper weighs over 20 lbs:eek:

03-25-2005, 10:22 AM
Ripley just barely over 15 (used to weigh 19-20 and is too thin now)
Jazz - 10 pounds
Scout - around 8 pounds but should be only 6
Rocky and Rumor are almost 8 months old and probably around 8 pounds

03-25-2005, 12:11 PM
So are lots of kitties little like mine, 5 pounds? I guess I'm use to having larger cats. both Siamese weighed 12-15 pounds. :confused:

My little one looks minature in comparison. Of course, she is female also and I always had males.

03-25-2005, 12:21 PM
I'm guessing here .... my two go in for their annual in a couple of weeks, but Mishi is around 16 lbs. and Mitzi is about 10-11 lbs.

03-25-2005, 12:24 PM
Sundae is my smallest weighing in at 6 lbs
Kitten looks smaller than Sundae, but he is sleek and muscular and weighs 7 lbs.
Roxy is around 11-12 lbs.
Oliver is about 10 lbs.
Raisin is about 11 lbs
And Jimmy is my biggest at 13-14 lbs.

It's been awhile since they've been weighed so I don't remember exactly.

03-25-2005, 12:42 PM
My biggest is Onyx. He weighs 20 pounds
My littlest is Felicia. She is just under 5.

03-25-2005, 07:54 PM
Last checkup Sash weighed in at 16 pounds

03-25-2005, 08:02 PM
Misty weighs 10 lbs
Squeekers weighs 11 lbs

03-25-2005, 11:11 PM
Kiba is around 7lbs