View Full Version : My betta boy! New pictures. =)

03-24-2005, 06:12 PM
Since my roomates being an a$$, I cannot resize my photos due to him making me a limited account on the comp, so I can't use PSP anymore. :mad: :rolleyes: :( So I will have to attach the photos. Enjoy!:D

A view from the top. These photos came out a lot better than the last ones. :p

03-24-2005, 06:14 PM
Another view from the top. He has some of the most beautiful golden colored scales on top. :)

03-24-2005, 06:17 PM
He looks like he's puckering up for a kiss here! LOL! :p

03-24-2005, 06:21 PM
When I first got him he was missing parts of his fins and a few scales, but it seems he has gotten a bit better already. :)

03-24-2005, 06:23 PM
Being pretty. I'm saving the best one for last. ;)

03-24-2005, 06:27 PM
And last but not least, my favorite pic. You can see the baby Angel fish at the bottom. :)

03-24-2005, 08:14 PM
Your betta has really pretty colors. Good job at getting close ups of him, your camera works really well. :)

03-24-2005, 08:23 PM
He's very pretty... but he looks quite a bit more tattered to me, missing more of his tail. It looks as if he's getting nipped by the other fish to me, or tearing it on tank decorations.

His first photo


03-24-2005, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
He's very pretty... but he looks quite a bit more tattered to me, missing more of his tail. It looks as if he's getting nipped by the other fish to me, or tearing it on tank decorations.

I have to agree with that....

Buuttt, He is very cute! Have you decided what to name him yet?

03-24-2005, 08:54 PM
Now that I look at those pictures again, his fins do look a little tattered. But, he still is a beautiful betta! Hopefully he just swam against something rough and none of the other fish are picking on him.

03-24-2005, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
He's very pretty... but he looks quite a bit more tattered to me, missing more of his tail. It looks as if he's getting nipped by the other fish to me, or tearing it on tank decorations.

Have to agree, but wow he has some really nice coloring! I love the gold upperbody! Beautiful!

03-25-2005, 04:46 AM
Actually he got caught in the filter thingy, so yes, he did tear himself a bit, and our rope fish was picking on him so we took him out. He's actually doing a bit better. Though he did hurt his fins, his scales looks a lot better. =)

I tried telling my bf, but until a few days ago he didn't listen. :rolleyes:

03-25-2005, 02:17 PM
He is a very pretty betta