View Full Version : Olympus cameras

03-24-2005, 04:30 PM
Anyone else use an Olympus digital camera?

I currently have a C-50 zoom. it's now out of production. It's three years old and still takes good pictures, but it's starting to wear out. I paid a small fortune for it--it was one of the first pocket sized cameras that was 5mega pixels. I love it and it doesn't owe me a thing--Literally I have taken hunderds of thousands of pictures on it. I've dropped it, carried it on a dog sled, ect, ect. It's been a wonderful camera, but I'm afraid the time is approaching to retire it.

So I'm looking at a new camera. I'm prepared to pay up to about 650 bucks (still way less than we paid for this one!) I'm pretty happy with how they've dropped in price. I spent my lunch hour at the local camera shop. I'm well known there--I still like to get actual prints made all the time! I'm trying to decide between the C-5500 SportsZoom and the C-5060 zoom. The 5500 is pocketsized. It doesn't have the annoying lens barrier that my current one has (it's wore out, don't want one of those again!). But it uses AA batteries. I use a special rechargeable one now. I take a ton of pics so I would have to buy rechargeable AA's. It's 500 bucks to buy locally. I could get it slightly cheaper off the Net, but if I can I prefer to support my local businesses.

The C-5060 is a little more money. It's 650. It's bigger too, but has more options ect. Uses the same batteries as the one I have now.

Both are 5.1 megapixels. The guy at the store didn't think moving up to more mp was worth the price difference since I only ever print up to 8X10's. I don't want to go any lower.

Anyone use either of these cameras? Or another Olympus model? I don't want to switch brands. I've always had Olympus cameras, even my film ones, and I've always been happy with them.

03-24-2005, 04:37 PM
I have the Olympus C-5050 and I love it! I think you'd be very happy with the 5060.

WOW, I just checked the prices on the 5050 and they are half of what I got mine at :eek: I think I got mine when that model first came out.

03-24-2005, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by aly
I have the Olympus C-5050 and I love it! I think you'd be very happy with the 5060.

WOW, I just checked the prices on the 5050 and they are half of what I got mine at :eek: I think I got mine when that model first came out.

That's like mine! I bought the c-50 when it was released. It's half price now too!!!:eek:

Thanks for the recommendation.

03-24-2005, 06:02 PM
I have the Olympus Stylus 300. It's a great camera.