View Full Version : Is this so horrible?

03-24-2005, 10:34 AM
Shadow is doing so well staying in our room by herself; our room is rather large (about the size of our living room). She's actually covering up after using the litter box which she has NEVER done before. She now has her own uncovered litter box which is in the large dog crate because I don't want her having an accident on the carpet. She's got two cat trees and two beds, plus my bed and she's usually only in the room by herself during the day 8:30 AM-5/6 PM.

Is it so horrible to keep her in the room during the day and at night by herself? She's let out with the others from 6 PM-10 PM when I go to sleep. She seems happy but she did scratch a couple of times this morning to try to get out. I could keep Callie in the room with her every other day as Callie gets along fine with her and Shadow wouldn't have to be by herself.

Callie and Whisper don't seem to mind being out in the living room by themselves at night. Callie only cries to be let in when the alarm clock goes off because she knows it's time to drink from the faucet and get fed. I do miss having Callie sleep in our room so maybe I'll start bringing her in there every so often.

Do you think this temporary fix will work out until we move in August? I would like to get a three bedroom place so that there will be more room and the cats won't feel so confined in the little house. Any suggestions you might have would be great. Thanks!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-24-2005, 10:38 AM
I see no problem with that setup - especially if she is happier with it. When I first moved to Chicago I had a studio apartment that was big enough for a queen size bed, a futon a TV and not much more than that! T & P were cramped up in that small space all the time - 24/7! I, personally, would much rather see Shadow in the room by herself and happy than out with the others and miserable.

03-24-2005, 10:38 AM
Sounds like what you're doing is working. You might want to put a radio in there so it's not totally quiet. How about keeping Callie in the room with her, since they both get along well. This way she'll have company.

Sounds like you've found the perfect solution!

03-24-2005, 10:46 AM
There is no problem,with that set up,as I ahve isolated Scrappy 2,in case,she hass picked,up something,that the Found Cats,can catch,and there are some Cats,that would rather,be by themselves! and one day,they will slowly,make Friends,and we pray,for that day,at The Found Cat Hotel.

03-24-2005, 11:51 AM
As long as she's happy, why would that be wrong? My foster Minette is happy for the first time in her life because we have her in her own room, away from the other cats. Of course, ideally I'd like her to be out and have free -roam, but she's happy as can be in the room herself. She has fresh water, toys, a warm bed, a window to look out, and humans to come in and give her love.... and NO CATS to bother her! :D