View Full Version : Anyone wanting an update on my daughter / grandbaby situation

03-24-2005, 08:35 AM
Some of you know that I have been going through an extremely difficult time with my daughter and new grandbaby. Just so those of you here will see and get the "latest" news, here is a thread with my most recent reply as of this morning!



03-24-2005, 09:09 AM
What a sadstory! These Adult Children,seem,to be takingover,wasting more money,andtime,than they are worth.They hang aroundthe Malls,and take no responsibility.BAGH!

03-24-2005, 09:21 AM

I had absolutely no idea what you've been going through with Amy and Jenna. I'm glad to hear that she's back home and hopefully trying to make a go with Chad.

We do what we have to do for our children. That's part of being a parent. Just be there for her and Jenna as best as you can without wearing yourself out!! Jenna IS Amy's responsibility. I hope things work out for her and Chad. If it doesn't, she'll need to seek child support.

One piece of advice would be for Jenna to look into the WIC program (Women, Infants, Children) in your area. She'll be able to get free formula, milk, cheese. She can also apply for food stamps to help out with the groceries.

Hang in there, girlfriend. When life hands to lemons, make Whiskey Sours!!!! (((((hugs))))))) to you for being such a wonderful Mom and Grandmom!