View Full Version : Rachel goes for her spay!

03-23-2005, 01:32 PM
I switched the appointment to tomorrow instead of Friday. So that way I can be home with her and make sure she is okay. I am getting kind of depressed because I wont be able to explain to her why she is in pain, also my little loveable kitty wont be here for the night.:( She will also be getting all of her shots and tests as well. Please wish her luck in all of this.

Also what should I expect when I bring her home? I have never had a female fixed before. Cubby has been my only cat for a few years now. And before him my parents didn't believe in getting our animals fixed. Should I expect the same thing as Cubby? They told me he wasn't allowed to jump and yet he did. He jumped on the bed, off the bed, on the couch off the couch within the first 8 hours I brought him home.

Is her cute little belly going to be shaved? Will she have a cone on her head? I know I am asking a lot of questions but I am getting really scared. Even though I know they do this every day. I will be a wreck on the way there in the morning. Thank God it is only a 3 minute drive there. :rolleyes:

Sorry for going on like that.


03-23-2005, 01:42 PM
Rachel is a beautiful girl. Yes, her little belly will shaved so she'll walk around with her little naked belly for a while. You may even get to see her belly button...something we normally don't get to see on our kittens. They may put a cone on her head or a ruffled collar but they may not. None of my three girls got the cone but they didn't mind their stitches. My sister's Little Sam wanted to lick at hers but she had been glued together and then stitched. Watch Rachel and gently stop her if she bugs her stitches.

My vet told me calicos are normally grumpy. Eepie wasn't when she was spayed but if Rachel acts a little angry afterward, it's probably just her catitude kicking in. She'll be back to normal in a few days or if she isn't, go ahead and call your vet.

Rachel will probably want to sleep most of the day when you get her back. If she's groggy and sleepy, it's the medicine wearing off. (I mean the medince used during her surgery, not her pain medicine if they give her any.)

Always feel free to ask your vet anything. Any fears you have about Rachel's spay, your vet will gladly answer for you.

03-23-2005, 03:17 PM
Scrappy 2,got a repreive,until next week,and I hope,that Rachels operation,goes well,and that she is all right,when she comes home.

03-23-2005, 06:36 PM
I would recommend the after surgery pain shot. It really makes them feel comfortable at lasts until next day when they can better cope with things.

03-23-2005, 08:18 PM
Try not to be scared sweetie. We all get stressed out when it comes to one of our babies going for the big snip, but as we all learn, they do just fine.

The only thing to do with Rachel, is to make sure she doesn't over lick or pull at her stitches.

Like Lady-Zana said, talk with your vet about your concerns. It will help ease your stress level.

Rachel, good luck tomorrow sweetheart and I will say a little prayer for you tonight.:)

03-23-2005, 10:45 PM
Thank you everyone! I will be watching her to make sure she doesn't over lick or pull at things. I am starting to settle down reading all of your posts. Thank you for that, I really appreciate it.


03-23-2005, 10:49 PM
Good luck Rachel!

Rocky and Rumor were neutered and spayed at the same time back in January. My vet kept them overnight and let me pick them up the next morning. They were both groggy and sleepy for about another 12-18 hours and then they were back to their old selves. I was suppose to keep Rumor from jumping for a week until I took her back to have her stitches out but I had no luck keeping her still. She did fine and I was lucky because she never even licked her stitches so no cone needed.

03-24-2005, 12:44 AM
Good luck Rachel!
Well, Kloe was a hellraiser kitten (still is) when she was spayed so not sure if I can help or not. But expect her to be rather sleepy the first nite and don't let her jump if at all possible. (with Kloe - yea right) I kept her in the bathroom the first nite home and while I was gone the next day and it was useless b/c she was climbing and jumping all over the bathroom! :eek: The incision might be lumpy - that is just scar tissue - it smooths out eventually.

03-24-2005, 01:00 AM
Good luck! I'm sure Rachel will do fine. I haven't had to take either of my females in for a spay, since they were freshly spayed when I adopted them, but I know that Bailey did really well after his neutering (after the initial angry hissing toward me, but he's always been one of our two tempermental ones when it comes to the vet). He was back to normal within a few hours of us getting him home.

Rachel's recovery will of course take a while longer, since she is a female (why do we always get the more difficult health stuff, no matter the species?), but I have confidence that she'll come through with flying colors!

03-24-2005, 01:58 AM
Like the others said, she will be fine. My kitties are spayed, and I worked at the vets office that did it. I even helped in surgery. I was so scared, worried, upset. BUT they did fine. About 10 minutes after their spay, I even got them to repond to my voice. They went home with me 2 hours after surgery, and were up and walking by that night. Sore, but not terribly sore. They did get the after surgery pain shot.
They did not need cones, they did not pick too much. Also, you could bring a covered heating pad with you to the vets office, and ask them to put it on low under her blankie, to keep her more warm and cozy, and less stressed. I was lucky enough to get to be there with my furbabies. That always helps.
Are they keeping her overnight? I ALWAYS suggest you bug your vet to let you take them home the same night, just because their is no overnight supervision at most vet offices. I know it could be more stressful, but I always felt more comfortable with them being with me, supervised just incase something were to occur, I would be there to evaluate.
HUGS to you and Rachel, and dont forget, tomorrow I will be sending off Rachels card from Buddy, I thought that you meant NEXT Friday. We are sorry it will be late:(
BUT Buddy wanted me to tell Rachel that he loves her dearly, and will be praying all goes well. He request a gentle kiss before and after surgery, just from him. We will be keeping her in our thoughts and prayers. *HUGS* Katie and Buddy Boy

03-24-2005, 07:31 AM
I just took her in. I also took a blanket with me that she loves to lay on. I asked them to put it in her cage with her. She only weighs 8.5 pounds. She was purring while I was holding her. When I put her on the scale she stopped purring. :( The vet tech started petting her and you could hear her motor loud and clear. I already miss my baby. WAAAAH

They are going to keep her over night. One of the vets goes in a few times during the night to check on everyone. I have to call later today to find out how shes doing. When I call I am going to see if I can go up there to see her. Will most vets let you see them?

I also felt bad all night because she wasn't allowed to eat. Corey woke up at one point last night and said "Cubby's going to eat me alive now" Cubby and Rachel both wouldn't stop crying all night. They aren't use to not having food around. I did cry a little bit about it. I couldn't explain to them why I had to take their food away. :(

I miss Rachel I want her home, but I know I am doing the right thing.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-24-2005, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by cubby31682
I miss Rachel I want her home, but I know I am doing the right thing.

Yes, you are most definitely doing the right thing, and she will be home and back to normal before you know it.

You keep mentioning that you feel bad because you can't explain to Rachel and Cubby what's going on. Even though I know they don't understand, I always explain to them anyway. When Tubby was sick I told him I knew he didn't feel well and could he please just tell me where it hurt so I could make it better and I told him we'd do whatever we could for him. Then when I took Cracker Jack to the vet he seemed to be scared in the car so I started explaining how it was just a short trip, the white coat would look at thim and then we'd be back home in no time. I think just hearing the soft soothing tone of your voice helps keep them calm and reassures them that everything is going to be ok. So explain away. If all else fails, it'll make you feel better. ;)

03-24-2005, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Yes, you are most definitely doing the right thing, and she will be home and back to normal before you know it.

You keep mentioning that you feel bad because you can't explain to Rachel and Cubby what's going on. Even though I know they don't understand, I always explain to them anyway. When Tubby was sick I told him I knew he didn't feel well and could he please just tell me where it hurt so I could make it better and I told him we'd do whatever we could for him. Then when I took Cracker Jack to the vet he seemed to be scared in the car so I started explaining how it was just a short trip, the white coat would look at thim and then we'd be back home in no time. I think just hearing the soft soothing tone of your voice helps keep them calm and reassures them that everything is going to be ok. So explain away. If all else fails, it'll make you feel better. ;)

All the way to the vet I told Rachel that she is going in for a few shots, and that she is going to get fixed so she can't have any more babies. I have always tired to explain things to Cubby and he just turns around and bites me. So I gave up on telling him anything. Lol.

Now I have to go call the vet to make sure every thing went okay. :)

03-24-2005, 03:45 PM
Let us know how that pretty callie girl is doing. She's a special baby and I know she'll be fine.

03-25-2005, 06:47 AM
I am going to go pick her up in a little over two hours. I have a nice little spot in the bedroom all made up for her. With some food and water and the litter box near by. Her litter box will be about 3 feet away from her food and water dishes. I am going to keep the bedroom door closed all day today and tomorrow until she can roam around on her own.