View Full Version : My First Day Volunteering....

03-23-2005, 07:20 AM
This past Saturday I started volunteering at a place called Pony Power of New Jersey. It's a facility that provides therapy horseback riding to people of all ages with mental and/or physical disabilities. My mother and I volunteered at a place in Syracuse doing the same thing before I moved so I wanted to get back into it here in NJ. I have ridden horses most of my life and worked at my aunt's saddlebred/hackney pony breeding/boarding/lesson barn for years until she sold it. The horse knowledge is desperately needed at these facilities!
I also have a niece that was recently diagnosed with cerebal palsy and I would love to get her involved in this program when she is a little older.
Anyway, I took some pictures to share...I obviously didn't take any of the clients because of privacy issues but I did get some of the horses and the dogs on the farm. Let me see if I can get them posted, I'm having a little trouble....
This is Sancho, one of the horses used in the program. he was the one I worked with. Really nice horse, BIG...
This is Zeus I think...He was also used in the program. While I was ther one of the volunteers put him in the wrong pasture and a fight broke out between him and the next horse I'll post. Rebar.

I'll put some more in the next post....

03-23-2005, 07:41 AM
Just a little Arab for all the Arab lovers....I didn't find out her name yet...

A picture of the facility...
A Jack Russell on the farm....

Gracie the corgi...(LoudLou, where are you? :)

A shetland named Lil' Bit
Here is one of the Arab girl's face..

OK, that's it for now.... ;)

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-23-2005, 01:52 PM
Great job!!! That must be so fulfilling!

You can just send me Rebar and the Jack Russell please:D

03-23-2005, 02:11 PM
Great pictures! I'd love to help out doing something like that. :D

03-23-2005, 02:46 PM
Wow, what a great thing you're dong Jennifer! Love the pics...I see there's a nice variety of 4 legged ones:D The horses are beautiful! And what cute pups:D Of course there had to be a JRT, lol! The Corgi is precious:)

There's a therapeutic riding center not far from me and it's a wonderful place with the most dedicated animal therapists! Animal assisted therapy can work wonders. What a rewarding endeavour for you! I wish you all the best with your volunteering. I'm sure the clients and horses, are going to love you! Is this something you'd like to do full time? Where in NJ (general area) did you move to? Not sure if you mentioned that in earlier posts:)

03-23-2005, 07:01 PM
I volunteered for 6 months last year, at a theraputic riding facility called Saddle Pals. It is a really great thing to do, but it does take a very special person... there were a few moments that were completely overwhelming, and it seemed like the managers at this place didn't handle some situations well. They were also over-staffed and a lot of the time me and a bunch of other volunteers were just sitting and talking, so I mostly ended up mucking out stalls. Which is why I decided it's not for me.

Therapy horses are SO great!! It's really nice to handle completely sound horses that won't bite, kick or step on you :p! It looks like the horses at Pony Power are gorgeous!!! So are the pups! There's the cutest Australian Cattle Dog at Saddle Pals, named Rex... I did feel bad for him because he got stepped on and roughly handled by some of the kids there.

I hope you have fun, and good luck! It's really great of you to help out with the horsies.

03-24-2005, 04:27 AM
Great pictures! I love horses. Haven't ridden one since last summer in Lebanon. My cousins and I rode almost daily. It was fabulous!

I loved volunteering when I lived in the States. Can't wait to start back up when I go to GA.

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-24-2005, 06:18 AM
What a great job!! Those horses are GORGEOUS!!!

03-24-2005, 07:44 AM
Thanks everyone!

Bckrazy, I volunteered at a place in Syracuse that tended to be more hard labor than any actual hands-on working with the kids but I didn't mind. I love to be around horses and since I'm not in a position in my life right now where I can afford one or even lessons :( , I enjoy having the opportunity to spend time with them any way I can. Just being around horses makes me feel good, healthy and happy!:)

Sandra, I live in Clifton New Jersey which is in northern New Jersey about 15 minutes from NYC. I work in Hackensack. It's very crowded here, not at all what I'm used to... I'm slowly discovering some of the nicer areas around but I still desperately miss home and my family:( , especially my nieces!
In an ideal world Sandra, I would love to go back to school for physical therapy and work with children. Two of my own nieces have developmental problems and it breaks my heart that from lack of knowledge and education, I am unable to help them to the fullest degree.:( But like I said, $$$ is holding me back right now. Hopefully I can find some schools nearby here and start taking classes in the evening. I have looked into becoming a certified NARHA instructor. Once I get to know the people at Pony Power a little better, I will talk to them about the program. It's right up my alley, helping children and being with animals! What could be better!?:)

I'll take some more pics next time I go. The program is suspended this weekend for the holiday so I plan on going back next Saturday.

03-24-2005, 09:09 AM
How neat, Jennifer! The horses and the dogs are just beautiful, and I know that the children will be blessed by your presence. :)

04-08-2005, 11:31 PM
WoW! What a great place to work! Doesn't that Corgi smile just make you melt! :D