View Full Version : Shy's 1st story..

03-22-2005, 10:04 PM
Shy was born to a large feral tabby, who was getting the cats in my friends apt.complex preggy...Shy was the runt and was being treated badly by my friends 2 young(6+8) daughters and he asked me to take her in and so i did. Shy was incredibly scared of me,( it really hurt to see the fear in her eyes), and it took a lot of LOVE to gain her trust,..(which, after 10 years, I still do not have completely).., but when she was 2, i moved from a small 1 bedroom apartment(with Zip, who is about a year older than Shy), to a 3 floor house with 2 friends and a pitbull terrier/boxer mix...(yikes, but incredibly loveable dog)...the day before the move i took both Zip and Shy to the house to get aquainted before all of the comotion..all went well the day of the move except that the day after..(keep in mind both cats are strictly indoors).. one of my friends let Zip out(!!!!!!!!!) and then i could not find Shy..(this scared me the most because of her distrust of humans)..Zip, who was not fixed at the time, came back after 5 days of praying and searching, but still Shy was nowhere to be found...well, i began ANOTHER frantic look through the house and on day 6 i found her...she had gotten behind the fridge and stove and crawled under the sink cabinet..(maybe 4" of space btween) and had went back 12 feet under cabinet with all sorts of floor nails jutting through cabinet to the floor and had wedged herself in the corner with no way to get to her!!!...this literally had me sick, because i knew how afraid she was!!!..(man do i love her)...my roomate was a carpenter and we realized that she wasn't coming out on her own, and with all those nails in her way...we took his floor jack. and we jacked up the whole sink cabinet and pulled poor little Shy out.. :) :) i can't begin to tell you how relieved i was....wow... :eek: :eek: :eek: ...

03-23-2005, 05:34 AM
What a story! Had she been under there the whole time? It's a miracle she didn't starve or die of thirst, if so!:eek:

03-23-2005, 06:20 AM
Oh my! :eek: I'm so happy that Shy (and Zip) were both found safe & sound. ;) Scared kitties sure do have a way of hunkering down, and making themselves tiny. What an ordeal that must have been getting her out. :eek: :rolleyes: Give that Shy girl a kissie for me please. :)

03-23-2005, 06:23 AM
Wow I'm so glad you guys got Shy out in time before she got dehydrated.And I'm so happy you found Zip.This is a very happy ending for your much loved cats:D :D

03-23-2005, 08:41 AM
Now,you ahve a story,that you can tell,about shy,and how you rescued her.That was so kind,of you,to do all that,to rescue Shy,and she will rpay,you a million times,over,with Fun, and Laughter,and by being a Boon Companion,over the years.I have never,once regetted,taking,in a Found Cat! Never!

03-23-2005, 12:02 PM
I would have freaked out!!! What a scare she gave you, but thank goodness it all worked out ok! Thanks for sharing her story!;)

03-23-2005, 11:02 PM
ty so much for the posts...Shy has repaid me more than i can express almost 9 years later since that day...she is such a goof...did u se her belly pics on the belly thread???...wish i knew how to post w/o an attchment...i would post now...(anyways here it is again)...hate the attachment...sry...

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-24-2005, 04:24 AM
OMG, poor cats....:eek: !! What a terrible ordeal! I am so happy you got both back before they starved to death.....:)