View Full Version : Wait till ya here THIS one!!!

03-22-2005, 05:36 PM
Last night I got up outta bed cuz I heard someone banging on the back downstairs door. When I opened the door to look out the hallway, the *ahem* HO that lives in the studio apartment behind me (she's a crack HO who is FOREVER having the cops called, nice place, huh???) was banging the back door to get it to close. She apologized, saying she had just changed the lock and it wasn't working right. Just then, one of the kittens came wandering out of the room and she went ballistic!! "Oh!! Look at the beautiful kitty! I LOOOOOVE black kitties!! Do you have a black male??? " I said yes. "I'd LOVE a black male!! I asked her WHY she didn't want a female. "Oh, because I won't have to have him fixed, I can just throw his @$$ outside. :eek: :eek:

Yeah right! I'm going to trust her with one of MY babies???? She'd probably trade him for a rock! Hell will freeze over first!!

03-22-2005, 05:56 PM
moosmom, I have a crack ho next door to me too! :eek: She has five little dogs and one cat that used to live inside:rolleyes: Only one thing on these peoples minds and it ain't taking care of the cat! ;) She takes pretty good care of the dogs, best I can tell, but if not, I'll be the first to bust her! As far as I can tell she does take care of her cat too and I know she 'was ' letting him inside but now I'm not sure. He is an old cat and I know he is fixed. I'll be watching her.

03-22-2005, 06:05 PM
I'd never even consider giving a bag of cat poop to any strung out crack addict. They'd neglect that too! :D If she bugs you anymore regarding the babies, tell her they're being fostered for the shelter, and if she's interested, she'd have to fill out an application with them. ;) Sooner or later she'll find a kitten to use, and abuse...they all seem to. :rolleyes:

03-22-2005, 06:51 PM
I'm just going to tell her they're all spoken for. This woman is bad news and I've been complaining for MONTHS to my landlord. All HE sees is his rent money!!! :mad:

I am VERY protective of those precious little ones and their mama.

03-22-2005, 06:53 PM
She's such a wonderful person, oh so charming and loving. RIGHT. :rolleyes: With everything else in her life headed in the right direction, why should she also have respect for the proper care of another living creature?

03-22-2005, 08:13 PM
Sadly,the curse of Narcotics,is here In Canada,too,and some,of the stories,are heart breaking.And the people,who sell this crap,get,the best lawyers,and get slaps,on the wrist,and live away,from thier customers,in gated communities.While we have,to live with them,and put up,with thier behavior.I habve welfares,to the left,of me,and I keep my Cats in,as I dont trust them,at all.

03-22-2005, 08:41 PM
(this is in no way meant to offend anyone)...ok i understand that that "crack ho", is probably a bad person and a loser, but please keep in mind that the "crack ho" was once a beautiful child, with who knows what for parents..(i'm not excusing her)..i had a very, very good friend with a wife and 2 beautiful twins,and a promising career in music, and then one day, some jerk turned him onto that shit and he was hooked..(he was a wonderful friend before this).., he lost his family, kids and most of his friends, and his music...it really , really hurt to to see that...(he loved cats too!!)...he did eventually recover, but the damage was done...anyways...i hope i have offended no one...:) :)

03-22-2005, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by kaoK'okung
(this is in no way meant to offend anyone)...ok i understand that that "crack ho", is probably a bad person and a loser, but please keep in mind that the "crack ho" was once a beautiful child, with who knows what for parents..(i'm not excusing her)..i had a very, very good friend with a wife and 2 beautiful twins,and a promising career in music, and then one day, some jerk turned him onto that shit and he was hooked..(he was a wonderful friend before this).., he lost his family, kids and most of his friends, and his music...it really , really hurt to to see that...(he loved cats too!!)...he did eventually recover, but the damage was done...anyways...i hope i have offended no one...:) :)

No offense taken from me. I try not to judge people, however in defense of myself, try having this next door to you! Fighting, constant traffic in the driveway and police cars at all hours of the night. The ones in the driveway are there for a reason and everyday I leave my house with my beloved furkids in it and pray no crackhead decides to rob my house that day and hurt my babies. I hope everyday no gunshots are involved. Not a fun way to live, brought on by her.(neighbor)

03-22-2005, 10:26 PM
I think the point is that people who are stretching their finances while on drugs (or assisting friends on drugs) can not be relied on to be reliable pet owners. There is no offence to addicts, except that their judgment is not clear when they take on pets. This is how many end up in the street. I work with addicts so I have had the heartbreak repeatedly of seeing "pets" come and go from homes...best I can do is mention that there are discounts available for spays etc. and pass on a phone # but they have to do the leg work and then don't. That lack of follow up, even though the intention is there, is why allowing an addict to adopt is a bad decision. Moosmom is being a good screener by saying they are all taken!!!

03-23-2005, 08:49 AM
No offense taken from me. I try not to judge people, however in defense of myself, try having this next door to you! Fighting, constant traffic in the driveway and police cars at all hours of the night. The ones in the driveway are there for a reason and everyday I leave my house with my beloved furkids in it and pray no crackhead decides to rob my house that day and hurt my babies. I hope everyday no gunshots are involved. Not a fun way to live, brought on by her.(neighbor)

No offense taken from me either. But Chocolatepuppy hit the nail right on the head. This woman has guys coming in and out at all hours of the night. Her apartment is right behind the room where my babies are. The smell of pot through the heater vent is repulsive, not to mention the crack smell (smells like dry cleaning fluid!!) At one time she didn't have a phone and was banging on my door in the wee hours to use MY phone to call the cops to come and escort this one particular guy out. She had a restraining order out on him but let him in anyways!!!! :mad: :mad: The Ecorse Police all know this chick from years ago. Everytime I call them, they know EXACTLY who I'm calling about. She is constantly going out, leaving the back door unlocked and her apartment door unlocked as well. One time I was in the the back room with the babies and heard someone come upstairs. I stood by the door and listened. He went into her apartment looking for her, then called her on her cellphone. He asked her if she could "hook him up". I immediately called the landlord and told him about it, then went and locked BOTH the outside and inside door. Didn't care if she had a key or not!! :mad:

At one time I felt VERY safe in this building. I don't anymore. I've decided that once I start working full time at the funeral home, I'm going to find a nice quiet place out in the country near work.

but they have to do the leg work and then don't. That lack of follow up, even though the intention is there, is why allowing an addict to adopt is a bad decision.

The landlord has told her she needs to move. She told him she needed another month and she'll move in with her sister. I'll believe it when I see it. In the meantime, Leslie is absolutely right about adopting out to an addict is a bad decision, one that I am not about to make.

Sorry this is so long guys!

03-23-2005, 10:21 AM
Some people...:rolleyes:

*hugs* Donna.

03-23-2005, 10:52 PM
thank you for not berrating me and hating on me for my post...(i appreciate it)..i will ALWAYS be on the side of the pet BEFORE the crackhead...(just wanted to add a personal experience that is all...)..:) :) :)

03-24-2005, 09:37 AM

I would never criticize anyone for expressing their opinion. I've seen a few of my friends take the wrong path and hit rock bottom. It's not pretty. This woman, according to the PD, has been like this for years! She's younger than I am (I'm 52) but looks very old (drug use will do that to you).

Everyone here has the same goal, to do what's right for our furkids. My goal is to find loving furrever homes for these babies. They've got a great start in life and I'm going to see to it that it lasts their lifetime!!